When one uses the difference between the subjects' assessments of their own group and their ratings of other groups as the yardstick for bias, the findings are reversed: people with high self-esteem appear to be more prejudiced. |
中文意思: 如果把受试者评估自己团体与他人团体的差异拿来当做偏差的标准,结果就反过来了:自尊高的人反而显得较有偏见。 |
When one of your teammate ask help but you are so busy for some deadline work, how to deal with?
当你为一项限时工作忙碌时,一位同事向你求助,该怎么办? |
When one partner gets tired, the other can take the lead, allowing his or her partner to rest by playing the observer role.
当其中一个成员感到疲劳时,另一个能承担起主导的职责,让他或她的伙伴扮演旁观者的角色而得到休息。 |
When one personal thought despair still leave what sunlight under of are we an icebound egos?
当一个人思想绝望时还剩下些什么阳光下的我们是不是一个冰封的自我? |
When one seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously, the figure becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation.
当一个人认真地研究自发形成的社会秩序时,杜威的比喻就是他实事求是观察得来的形象化的说法。 |
When one tries the same trick with loudspeakers, though, the creation of three-dimensional sound runs into a serious problem called transaural acoustic cross talk.
可是当我们试图把这个伎俩用于喇叭上时,就会面临「漏音」的大麻烦。 |
When one uses the difference between the subjects' assessments of their own group and their ratings of other groups as the yardstick for bias, the findings are reversed: people with high self-esteem appear to be more prejudiced.
如果把受试者评估自己团体与他人团体的差异拿来当做偏差的标准,结果就反过来了:自尊高的人反而显得较有偏见。 |
When one weighs the opposing forces, the elements of space and time, and the sea-land transfer problem, one sees that Churchill's foot-dragging made sense.
如果我们衡量一下双方的兵力、时间与空间的要素,以及海陆转运等问题,我们就会明白,丘吉尔迟迟未能采取行动是合情合理的。 |
When one will not, two cannot quarrel.
一人不愿,两人难吵。 |
When open to all comers, anonymously, the problems are even more glaring.
但是当其向所以的来访者开放的时侯,匿名地,问题也更加的突出。 |
When opened, there will appear three different diagrams and paintings.
打开扇子,便会呈现三面不同的图案。 |
When opening a cheque account, the applicant shall reserve a specimen of the signature of his true name and the seal.
开立支票存款账户,申请人应当预留其本名的签名式样和印鉴。 |