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DEX 0 means that the character cannot move at all. He stands motionless, rigid, and helpless.

DETROIT -- As a rainy marathon inched past midnight and into the early-morning hours, the Yankees literally had to shoo Chien-Ming Wang from the dugout bench at Comerica Park, urging him to flag down a hotel-bound cab and rest. 随著前场雨中马拉松般的赛事延宕至午夜,洋基便决定把建仔从休息区挖起来,帮他拦了台计程车送他回饭店休息。
DETROIT, June 1 - Three decades ago, with fuel supplies running short and long gas lines around the corner, Asian cars won their first converts in the American market. 底特律6月1日讯—三十年前,燃油供给短缺,排长队加油现象随处可见,亚洲汽车因此在美国市场赢得首次转机。
DEUTSCHE POST CONSULT INTERNATIONAL GMBH offers information to Postal service in addition to Consultancy. 为您提供关于邮政服务和邮政的信息。
DEVANTOL SOLO P is applied undiluted or is mixed with water 2:1, 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 according to the kind of goods. 与水以2:1,1:1至1:3.的比例混合,混合水量根据织物敏感类别定。
DEVANTOL SOLO P is put undiluted into the storage container of the spraying table. The pre-spotting table must have an efficient ventilation. DEVANTOL SOLO P不加稀释加入到去渍台的储液罐中,请保证去渍台的通风良好。
DEX 0 means that the character cannot move at all. He stands motionless, rigid, and helpless. 力量为0时角色会无法移动,无助的躺在地上。
DF4D diesel locomotive, one of the most common locomotives for trains with passengers. DF4D内燃机车,最常见的牵引客车的机车之一.
DG Series of Air Stream Dryer is drying plant for to dry maize,potato alike and other starch material processed by wet method after dewatering process. DG系列气流干燥机组是用于湿法加工玉米,薯类及其它原料淀粉脱水后烘干的成套设备。
DG: Not at the time, but when I look at it now, it is clear to me that that's really the problem with the first album, because with the first album you never know if it will be the only album or if it will be the first in a series of albums. 当时没察觉,但现在回头看,第一张专辑显然有这样问题,因为对于首张的专辑,你并无法知道它会不会是唯一的一张专辑,或者它会是接下来一系列专辑的第一张,而且我想你应该可以看出我们在选曲上似乎毫无理由,这张专辑是蒐集了可能超过3或4年时间以上在不同时期做出来的东西,所以基本上只是把我们想要的歌曲合辑起来。
DHARMSALA, India (AP) -- The Dalai Lama said he wanted to travel to China on a pilgrimageand to see the changes in the country, addressing thousands of followers Friday, the anniversary of a 1959 uprising in Tibet against Chinese rule. 本周五,在1959年“西藏反抗运动”周年纪念日上,达赖喇嘛对数千名追随者致词的时候说,他希望能够回到中国“朝圣”,并看看这几十年里国家的变化。
DHENG Design is a professional &comprehensive design organization taking brand design as the core. 党恒设计以品牌设计为核心的一家专业综合性设计机构。

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