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Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles.

Biological variation resulting from recombination, mutation, and selection. 生物多样性来自于基因的重组、突变、和筛选。
Biological warfare is terrible. 生物战很可怕。
Biological weapons can be produced nearly anywhere, from government labs to suburban kitchens. 生物武器几乎到处都可以制造,从政府实验室,到郊区的厨房。
Biologically functional sequences, as the theory goes, tend to undergo mutation at a slower rate than nonfunctional sequence, since mutations in these sequences are likely to be selected against. 生物功能排序,如理论进行的那样,往往是比非功能排序以较低速度经历突变,因为在这些排序里突变很可能是选择保护。
Biologists at Northeastern University have peered directly at running muscles by measuring blood flow in the legs of the helmeted guinea fowl Numida meleagris. 而美国东北大学的生物学家则是直接观察「盔珠鸡」的肌肉,测量跑步时血液在腿中流动的情形。
Biologists found that they could throw the retinal rhythms out of sync with other circadian cycles. 生物学家发现它们可以独立于其它同步创造性时间周期的存在。
Biologists have just discovered twenty-seven previously unknown species of animals in two national parks in the Sierra Nevada. 生物学家们近日在位于内华达山脉地区的两处国家公园内发现了27种新型动物物种.
Biologists have long known that the crab's shell is darkest during the day, grows pale in late afternoon, then begins to darken again at daybreak. 它有着过分增长的螯,生物学家早就知道招潮蟹的壳在白天是黑暗的,傍晚时变成灰白,然后在破晓的时候又变黑。
Biologists have long recognized that mammals larger than rabbits tend to shrink on small islands, presumably as an adaptive response to the limited food supply. 生物学家老早就注意到,在小岛上,比兔子大的哺乳类往往会朝体型缩小的方向演化,可能是为了适应岛上有限的食物资源。
Biologists have several reasons to suspect that such high methane levels could have been maintained. 生物学家有千百种理由,猜测地球上曾维持著如此大量的甲烷。
Biologists suspect that the oxidative assaults ultimately cause irreparable injury to the mitochondria, thereby impeding the cell's ability to maintain the integrity of the countless molecules needed to keep the body operating properly. 许多生物学者怀疑,这些氧化侵袭终究会造成粒线体无法挽救的伤害,削弱了细胞维持分子完整性的能力,故而无法维护身体的正常功能。

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