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This is probably resulted from the pragmatic vagueness (the uncertainty of language - from angles of using and comprehension of language).

This is probably just the begi ing of the deflationary period. 这只是漫长通缩期的开始。
This is probably just the beginning of the deflationary period. 这只是漫长通缩期的开始。
This is probably not how this would-be thief drew up his plans. 这可能是这位准小偷拟定偷窃计划时万万也没有想到的!
This is probably one of your best match ups. You bring out the best in one another. You both have a very carefree approach to life and love. 射手-狮子:这是最理想的组合。你们都能找到对方身上的闪光点,一定能过上幸福甜蜜的生活。
This is probably overkill for such a small example, but it will prove a point. 对于这样一个小例子来说,这好像是多余的,但是下面将会用到。
This is probably resulted from the pragmatic vagueness (the uncertainty of language - from angles of using and comprehension of language). 这可能是由于语用含糊(语言的不确定性——从语言的使用和理解的角度)现象造成的。
This is probably the background of life, I learned self-reliance and self-empowerment, self-confidence. 可能就是这样的生活背景,让我学会了自力,自强,自信。
This is probably the biggest repercussion of the calculation. 这大概是计算的最大影响。
This is probably the document's first failing, as I believe that 10,000 is a serious underestimate of the total number of places masquerading as zoological establishments. 这可能是这个文档的第一个失败,我认为10000严重低估了那些伪装成动物学机构的总数量。
This is probably the most deadly natural weapon that an unarmed man possesses if he knows how to use it. 如果懂得使用方法的话,这大概是徒手格斗者所拥有的最致命的自身武器。
This is probably the most unknown of the arrows and not many people actually know what they do. 这可能是最不为人所知的拉线了,而且也没有多少人确切地知道它们如何起作用。

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