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Osteoblast and osteoclast activity in a malignant infantile osteopetrosis patient following bone marrow transplantation.

Ostentatious exercising in a place of work is ugly, undignified and should not be tolerated. 在办公场所来这些花里胡哨的运动,会很难看,很失脸面,不应纵容这种运动。
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis affecting an estimated 5.2 million people in the UK (source: Arthritis Research Campaign). 骨性关节炎是关节炎最常见的类型,在英国估计520万人受到影响。
Osteoarthritis had been attributed primarily to the gradual wear and tear of joint surfaces. 骨关节炎一直被认为由于关节表面的逐渐磨损断裂引起。
Osteoarthritis has traditionally been described as “wear and tear” joint degeneration attributable to the aging proce . 骨关节炎被传统地描述为由于老年化过程而出现的磨损性关节变性。
Osteoarthritis has traditionally been described as “wear and tear” joint degeneration attributable to the aging process. 骨关节炎被传统地描述为由于老年化过程而出现的磨损性关节变性。
Osteoblast and osteoclast activity in a malignant infantile osteopetrosis patient following bone marrow transplantation. 骨髓移植之后的恶性婴儿骨硬化病的成骨细胞和破骨细胞活性。
Osteoma should be included in the differential diagnosis of calcified masses in cerebellopontine angle. 在小脑桥脑角之钙化肿块,骨瘤必须列入鑑别诊断。
Osteoporosis PreventionApproximately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 8 men over the age of 50 has osteoporosis in Canada. 如何预防骨质疏松症每4个女人和每8个男人中就各有一位患有骨质疏松症的人。
Osteoporosis disease is a kind of whole body metabolic barrier disease due to the damage of microstructure, the decrease of the bone ore ingredient and hone matrix in proportion, the attenuation of the hone qualitative, the decline of the quantity of hone 摘要骨质疏松症是以骨显微结构受损,骨矿成分和骨基质等成比例地不断减少、骨质变薄、骨小梁数量减少和骨折危险度升高的一种全身代谢障碍的疾病。
Osteoporosis has become a seriously social and public health problem in the world. 骨质疏松症已经成为严峻的公共卫生及社会问题。
Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning disease. 骨质疏松症是一种骨密度变稀的疾病。

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