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Ang I (0~7M) facilitated the stimulation induced release of H-NE from the A area of the nucleus tractus solita-rius but not from the anterior hypothalamus of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats.
AngⅡ(0~(-7)M)促进~ H-NE从Sprague-Dawley和Wistar大鼠的孤束核A_区释放,但不促进从前下丘脑释放。

And when the frequency was kept at MHz, ultrasound of 0.7 W/cm, . W/cm and .8 W/cm also solved the thrombi significantly and there was a positive correlation between the thrombolysis rate and the intensity (r = 0.980,P<0.0). 频率MHz条件下,声强为0.7W/cm、.W/cm和.8W/cm的超声波有明确效果,溶栓率与声强呈正相关(r=0.980,P<0.0)。
Andrew Jackson (77 to 8) was a prestigious general and the 7th president of the USA. 安德鲁·杰克逊(Andrew Jackson 77—8),美国历史上著名的将领,美国第七任总统。
Anemia prevalence among the children was .88%, insufficient prevalence rates of reserved iron in the body, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and ascorbic acid were 0.%, 9.7%, 8.%, 0.89% and 9.7%. 被检儿童贫血率为 .88%,红细胞生成缺铁比例为 0 . %,维生素A、维生素B 、维生素B 、维生素C缺乏的比例依次为 9. 7%、 8. %, 0 .89%、、9.7%。
Aner lotion is another new product after sanitation napkin, tissue paper and cosmetics which have great potential competition. 安尔洗液是恒安集团继卫生巾、家庭用纸、化妆品之后推出的又一极具市场潜力的产品。
Anesthesia was maintained with low-flow( L/min)inhalation of isoflurane and nitrous oxide in oxygen(N_O:O_=:)and intermittent i.v. 低流量吸入异氟醚(新鲜气流量为 L/min,N_O:O_=:)维持麻醉。
Ang I (0~7M) facilitated the stimulation induced release of H-NE from the A area of the nucleus tractus solita-rius but not from the anterior hypothalamus of Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats. AngⅡ(0~(-7)M)促进~ H-NE从Sprague-Dawley和Wistar大鼠的孤束核A_区释放,但不促进从前下丘脑释放。
Angiographically identified stent thrombosis occurred in patients (0.9%) in Firebird group, patients (0.9%) in Cypher group and patients (.%) in Taxus group. 造影证实Firebird组例(0·9%)、Cypher组例(0·9%)和Taxus组 例(·%)发生支架内血栓形成。
Angkor,the Mysterious World the Tropical Jingle 吴哥,热带从林中的神秘世界
Angle was the first risk factor of fatigue of extensor carpi ulnaris(ECU),ED and FCR. 角度是主动肌尺侧腕伸肌(extensor carpi ulnaris,ECU)、ED和拮抗肌FCR疲劳的首位危险因素。
Anguish and Reverie 心灵的痛苦与精神的浪游──重读《庄子》
Basing on the experiment,we educed the critical points of microbiological qualify in min-0.0Mp,0min-0.Mpa, 0min-0.0Mpa. 在不同烘干时间和压力的种组合模式中,按照欧洲EN88-998的检测方法和欧洲EN9 -00判定标准,min、0.0Mpa,0min、0.Mpa, 0min、0.0Mpa为微生物检测项目合格的临界点。

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