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Functional Studies of Annexin Ⅰ in Human Pancreatic Cancer
Annexin Ⅰ在胰腺癌发生过程中的功能研究

Full resection of cystoma was performed,and there was no recurrence found. 均行囊瘤完整切除 ,无复发。
Function of P/ mitogen-activated protein kinases in epiglottis carcinoma induced by radiation P/MAPK在辐射诱发会厌癌中的表达
Functional Analysis of MADS-box Genes in Monocot Flower Development MADS-box基因在单子叶植物花发育中的功能研究
Functional Genomics Study of Annexin Ⅰ and CASK and Key Protein Screening in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Annexin Ⅰ和CASK在食管鳞癌中的功能研究及重要功能蛋白的筛选
Functional Response of Coccinella septempunctata Preying on Aphis gossypii in Cotton: Experiments and Simulation 七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata)捕食棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)的功能反应:实验与模拟(英文)
Functional Studies of Annexin Ⅰ in Human Pancreatic Cancer Annexin Ⅰ在胰腺癌发生过程中的功能研究
Functional Valued Padé-type Approximant and Degeneracies of Generalised Inverse Funtion-valued Padé Approximant and Applications in Integral Equations 函数值Padé-型逼近与退化的广义逆函数值Padé逼近及在积分方程中的应用
Functional plasmids in L.lactis 乳球菌的功能性质粒
Functions of Nb,V and Ti in Micro-alloyed Steel 铌、钒、钛在微合金钢中的作用
Fungoid is an important media used to study the motility of cells. 菌类是用于研究细胞运动的重要手段之一。
Further Analysis and Research about Valiant Merging and Sorting Valiant并行归并及排序时间复杂性的分析研究

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