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The dryer mainly uses in departments and so on dressing, building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry dries certain humidity or the granularity material.

The dry spell is affecting 25,833 square kilometers (10,300 square miles) of land, including 16,146 square kilometers of farmland, with crops withering in some areas, the paper said. 报导中指出,持续的乾旱影响了两万五千八百卅三平方公里(一万零三百平方哩)的土地,其中包括了约一万六千一百四十六平方公里的农地,部分地区的农作物已枯萎。
The dry spell sank the river. 乾旱的天气使河水下降。
The dry sticks burnt into flames. 枯枝忽然燃烧起来。
The dry wood blazed up at the touch of a match. 干木头用火柴一点就烧着了。
The dry-hot valleys (DHV) are located mainly in the deeply incised valleys along the upper streams of several international and domestically rivers, like Yangtz, Zhu, Lanchang, Hong, and Nu rivers. 干热河谷主要分布于长江、珠江、澜沧江、红河和怒江等国内和国际性河流的上游深切河谷地段。
The dryer mainly uses in departments and so on dressing, building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry dries certain humidity or the granularity material. 烘干机主要用于选矿、建材、冶金、化工等部门烘干一定湿度或粒度的物料。
The drying out of the Mediterranean was probably caused by a restriction in the straits of Gibraltar, the sea\'s only connection with rest of the Earth\'s oceans. 烤干的地中海大概是引起在直布罗陀海峡狭长的原因,直布罗陀海峡是同其余地球海洋之间的唯一连接处。
The drying time will be approx. 12 hours at room temperature. 干燥时间约室温下12小时。
The dryness of Afghanistan's climate and the depth of the niches helped protect the statues and preserve the wood and rope. 阿富汗气候乾燥,佛龛纵深够,有助于保护佛像及保存木料和绳索。
The dual colour backlit display provides both station and multiplex information as well as signal quality, scrolling program text, and receiver status. 双色背景可以同时显示电台以及信号质量、滚动的文字和接收状态等其它信息。
The dual economic structure in China's economic geography is a visible sign which should be taken seriously in the western development. 摘要地理二元经济结构是我国经济的一个明显表征,也是实施西部大开发战略中必须认真对待和科学解决的问题。

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