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A radiating source recognition system with simple structure, quickness and effectiveness is designed based on the given method that possesses definete popularized value.

A rabid football fan. 狂热的足球迷
A racetrack czar; an energy czar. 赛马场官员;能源大王
A racing form. 赛马成绩记录表
A racing yacht sailed by a picked crew. 经过精选的队员所驾驶的赛艇
A radar data extractor is a piece of equipment that transforms video outputs of primary radar or secondary radar into digital tracking information of high quality. 这是一种把一次雷达和二次雷达的视频输出变换成高质量、数字式目标航迹信息的雷达数据录取设备。
A radiating source recognition system with simple structure, quickness and effectiveness is designed based on the given method that possesses definete popularized value. 在本文方法的基础上,设计出一种结构简单、快速有效的辐射源识别系统,具有一定的推广价值。
A radical change takes place in the tension of consciousness. 一种激烈的改变会以意识的张力发生。
A radical is a man with both beet firmly planted in the air. 激进分子就是把两腿牢牢插在空气中的人。
A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air. 激进分子就是把两腿牢牢插在空气中的人。
A radical organic agriculture and biogas programme in China's Yunnan province is now being replicated on the Tibetan plateau. But what challenges does it face? 一项曾用于中国西南部云南省的有机农业和沼气革新项目正在西藏高原上被复制。但是它面临什么样的挑战呢?
A radical republican during the French Revolution. 雅各宾党人法国大革命中激进的民主分子

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