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By the error-correction model, the study shows: there exists the malposition error-correction organism of RMB's rate of exchange, but it functions weakly.

By the end of this year they will finish this work. 今年年底以前他们将完成这项工作。
By the end of week 5, comfirm assignments to project teams. 5于第五周结束前确认小组的作业。
By the end of week 6, each team submits list of project subtopics and team member(s) assigned to each subtopic. 6每组须在第六周完结前提交专题次题目,每个次题目须已指派组员负责。
By the end of year of 2000, the air and surface water quality of the 47 major cities will meet the national standard of environment. 到2000年底,47个重点城市的空气和地面水达到国家规定的环境质量标准。
By the engineering test, it emphatically anayzes its important contribution to roadbed construction. 通过工程试验,重点分析了路基冲击压实技术在施工中的重要作用。
By the error-correction model, the study shows: there exists the malposition error-correction organism of RMB's rate of exchange, but it functions weakly. 通过建立误差修正模型发现:人民币汇率错位自修正机制存在,但功能较弱。
By the examples, it fully demonstrated the practical value and engineering role of wavelet in image processing. 通过实例充分说明了小波在图像处理中的实用价值与工程作用。
By the fact that I can't get by with my 9 2 5. 事实上我再也不能度过这朝久晚五的生活。
By the fall of 1918 everyone in Europe was calling the disease the “Spanish” influenza, probably because neutral Spain did not impose the wartime censorship of news about the outbreak prevalent in combatant countries. 到了1918年秋季,欧洲人都把这次流感称做「西班牙流感」,可能是因为大战时维持中立的西班牙,对于交战国所发生的流感爆发并没有采取新闻封锁,于是该称呼也就深植一般人的脑海。
By the final episode, Li and her two remaining rials had switched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs. 在总决选中,李宇春和她的两位竞争对手不得不将原先安排好的曲目换成民歌。
By the final episode, Li and her two remaining rivals had switched their repertoire to patriotic folk songs. 在总决选中,李宇春和她的两位竞争对手不得不将原先安排好的曲目换成民歌。

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