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I remember with fondness how Dad passed his Pinewood Derby exam, and I knew that one day I'd have to take that same test.

I remember we'd roll into gas stations in our beat-up van and I'd tell the attendant, 'I'm going to be an actor! 我记得当时我们开着我们的破货车闯进了加油站,我告诉服务员:“我要当一名演员!”
I remember well receiving a sugar cube as a young child –a magical sweet, lump that contained the polio vaccine. 我记得当我还是一个小孩时,我得到一块方糖-一个神奇甜甜方块的东西,它里面含著小儿痲痹疫苗。
I remember what it was like to be a child, immersed in the infinitely stretchable substance of time. 我仍记得儿时的情形:被似乎可以无限延伸的时间所包围。
I remember when I read the encyclopedia, there's only one way to go through the thing which is alphabetically, and so it's really disjointed if you go through, you know, ancient history and modern history, all in this alphabetic mismatch. 当我读了百科全书的时候,我记得,只有一个方法穿过事物是按字母顺序地,而且因此它真的被脱节如果你穿过,你知道,西洋古代史和近代史,全部在这个照字母次序的错误结合中。
I remember when I went home and studied my bald head for the first time. 我身体的恢复经历了很长时间,因为我要再次学会走路和做些简单的活儿。
I remember with fondness how Dad passed his Pinewood Derby exam, and I knew that one day I'd have to take that same test. 我非常清楚地记得父亲是如何通过他的制作松木赛车模型考试的,不仅如此,我也知道,早晚有一天我也不得不接受同样的考试。
I remember you've once said that quality is of the essence in determining the price. 我记得你曾经说过,质量是决定价格的关键因素。
I remember, also, being the only child in the class without my family. 我同样记得,我是唯一没有亲属的孩子。
I remember, as a third grader, visiting my great-grandmother. 我还记得上三年级时,去拜访我的祖母。
I remembered he'd been top of his class, so he was bound to have grown up into a square workaholic. 我记得他以前一直是班上的尖子,所以他一定长成了个古板的工作狂。
I remembered how the joyful Valentine's Day glow had left her face, just before the door closed behind us. 我忘不了就在我们关上房门时,贝姬脸上那因情人节而散发出的兴奋的光芒一下消失了。

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