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His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club.

His forehead was wet with sweat then was dry after exposure to the wind. 他的额头被汗水润湿,受到风吹后又干了。
His foreign friend has become used to living in China. 5他的外国朋友已经习惯了在中国的生活。
His foreign friends have become used to the life of china. 他的外国朋友已经习惯在中国的生活了。
His foreign language is English. (他的外文是英语。)
His form since his move to Hamburg prompted Marco van Basten to select the defender for the Dutch national side and he made his debut against Liechtenstein in September 2004. 自从他转换至汉堡后,他的表现使国家队主教练范巴斯滕把他选入了荷兰国家队。2004年九月,在于列支敦士登的比赛中,他初次为国家队效力。
His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club. 他衣冠楚楚,在俱乐部中如鹤立鸡群。
His former 20 pieces demonstrate variously the king's life, having the spirit of palace; the former 80 pieces focus on collective image of women lives and their inner world in the palace, with the delightfully fresh emotion and reserved advantage. 其前20首宫词对帝王生活作了多角度与多侧面的展示,多具庙堂之气;后80首宫词着眼于宫廷妇女的集体形象,将其生活百态与幽微隐秘的内心世界予以全真全景式展现,有清新情藐之妙。
His former employer recommends him warmly. 他从前的雇主热心地推荐他。
His former employer, Professional Cycle Marketing, of Essex, had argued through their lawyers that his injuries were not as bad as suggested in court. 泰姆从前的雇主、位于埃塞克斯郡的职业自行车市场营销公司则通过自己聘请的律师对判决结果表示了不同意见,认为他所受的伤并不如其在法庭上所陈述的那般严重。
His former friend Theodore Roosevelt ran against him and they both lost to the man who became the twenty-eighth President, Woodrow Wilson. 结果,他们两个都输给了成为第28任总统的伍德鲁·威尔逊先生。
His forthright behaviour shows that he's honest, but he seems rude to some people. 他的直率行为说明他是个诚实的人,可是有些人却认为他粗鲁。

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