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Along with the city of Changsha, the acceleration of urban greening set new and higher requirements How to choose a series of trees species, strengthen management culture, to improve the level of urban greening and enhancing its function is of great signi

Along with the blues, its forefather, it is one of the first truly indigenous musics to develop in America, yet its unpredictable, risky ventures into improvisation gave it critical cache with scholars that the blues lacked. 与其鼻祖布鲁斯乐一脉相承,爵士乐是最早的一种真正的在美国发展进化的、本土化的音乐,而其玄妙莫测的、充满冒险精神的即兴演奏又给了它布鲁斯音乐所没有的学者级别的评论和收藏。
Along with the calculator high speed that software is technical development, make almost all essential softwares of whole world all turned toward resources database, terrace and humanize the direction development, educating the software obviously also sho 随着计算机软件技术的高速发展,使全世界几乎所有的主流软件都向资源库、平台化、人性化方向发展,显然教育软件也应该走世界软件发展的共同方向。
Along with the change from new democratic society to the Soviet model of socialism, then to the socialism with Chinese characteristics, the relation between the Party, government and society have changed 4 times in structure relative separation to unifica 伴随“新民主主义社会-前苏联模式的社会主义-中国特色社会主义”的三次模式转换,当代中国的党-政府-社会的三方关联也经历了“相对分立-同构(两次亚结构变迁)-分野化”的四次结构变迁,总体上呈现出否定之否定的历史线索。
Along with the change of market environment, firms and merchants will adjust the time arrangement and spatial distribution combination of transaction in order to achieve the minimum transaction. 交易者将随着市场环境的变化,调整交易时间配置和空间分布的组合,以求达到交易成本最小化。
Along with the changes of era and environment, the preservation and abolishment of state businesses have also turned into another new issue; meanwhile, such issue also involves whether the public property can be covered under corporate mechanism after pri 随著时代和环境的不同,公营事业的存废与否也成了另一个新的议题,而这又牵涉到民营化后在企业性发挥下是否能兼顾到公共性的问题。
Along with the city of Changsha, the acceleration of urban greening set new and higher requirements How to choose a series of trees species, strengthen management culture, to improve the level of urban greening and enhancing its function is of great signi 随着长沙城市现代化步伐的加快,对城市绿化提出了新的更高的要求,如何合理选择行道树种,加强栽培管理,对提高城市绿化水平,并增强其功能具有重要意义。
Along with the computer application and the database technology development, more and more is also high in the school teachingwork to the examination paper request. 摘要组卷问题是一个在一定约束条件下的多目标参数优化问题,而它的约束条件难以用数学形式描述,所以采用传统的数学方法求解十分困难。
Along with the constant discovery to superpressure reservoir in Neogene deep formation of hanghua depression, the regularity study of oil and gas generation, migration and accumulation has been pay great attention by many researchers. 摘要烃源岩成烃演化时,除了温度和时间的重要影响外,压力在油气生成演化过程中的作用也日益引起重视。
Along with the construction step daily advancement, starting from today, the Kuanyinshan international commerce transport business center starts the area officially publicly to have the prize to the society to collect the naming. 随着建设步伐的日益推进,从今日起,观音山国际商务营运中心启动区正式向社会公开有奖征集命名。
Along with the continuously go deep into of the research, the function mechanism of the nucleic acid vaccine also at was constantly clarified. 随着研究的不断深入,核酸疫苗的作用机制也在不断地被阐明。
Along with the developement of the internet, many moral issues surged up, including political, pornographic, pirating and criminal problems. 随着网络的发展,很多有关网络道德问题也随之出现,其中包括反动、色情、病毒、盗版、犯罪等现象。

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