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The snow was as dry as powder.

The snow leopard received treatment from a vet and was later released back into the wild. 该雪豹接收了兽医的治疗,然后被释放回山野。
The snow leopard, an endangered species, was found stealing sheep in a village last Saturday. 上周,(人们)发现属于频危动物的雪豹偷吃村里的羊。
The snow started at 2:40 a.m., blanketing theChinesecapital and slowing down the traffic in the morningrushhour. 这场降雪始于昨天凌晨2点40分。早上,大雪覆盖了北京城,同时也阻碍了上班高峰时段的交通。
The snow turned to slush once it started raining. 刚一下雨,积雪就变成了泥浆。
The snow underfoot wassoft and deep. 脚下的雪又软又厚.
The snow was as dry as powder. 雪像粉末一样干.
The snow white intermediate egrets are very common picture in the rice fields in Taiwan, with characteristics of long neck, long bill and long legs. 中白鹭是台湾乡间田野中常见的鸟儿,全身雪白,有长长的颈、喙及长脚是它们的特征。
The snow will soon be deep enough to ski on. 雪将会很快就积到可以滑的深度了。
The snow-storm go with the thunder. 暴风雨夹着雷声。
The snowball hit him right on the nose. 雪球正好打在他鼻子上。
The snowbird sings a song he always sings, and speaks to me of flowers that will bloom again in spring. 雪鸟唱着她每天爱唱的歌,告诉我春天要来,花儿会再度绽放。

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