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The material divide between conqueror and conquered had always been slim here, so that the poorer people, I thought, might painlessly integrate. 征服者与被征服者之间在物质上的差异在这里总是显得渺小的,所以我认为,更加贫困的人们可能会愉快地团结到一起。
The material feels like silk. 这种材料摸起来象丝绸.
The material focuses on the application of experimental techniques in microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and developmental biology, emphasizing integration of factual knowledge with understanding the design of experiments and data analysis. 上课的题材上将着重于微生物学、生物化学、分子生物学、发育学中的实验技术应用,强调结合实际的知识来了解实验设计和数据分析。
The material for it involved : Metal, Acrylic Film, AD Board, Wooden Board, KT Board, PVC, Synthetic Paper, PP etc. 制作材料涉及:五金,有机片,安迪板,中纤板,KT板,PVC,合成纸,PP等。
The material for the two sealing faces is made out of Tungsten Carbide to guarantee long-time operation and anti-wear-out. 而两个封闭面的材质是由碳化钨所制成,保证长期运转而抗磨损。
The material in this website has been prepared for informational purposes only. 阅读本网站并不在您和本事务所之间产生任何聘用关系。
The material in which something is wrapped. 包装材料包装物品所用之材料
The material includes used nuclear fuel from power centers and waste from the production of nuclear weapons. 这些废料包括电力中心使用过的核燃料和制造核武器所产生的废弃物。
The material is elastic, which is shown in the figure. 如图显示,这种材料是富有弹性的。
The material is impermeable to air and fluids and can withstand at least eight hours of exposure to corrosive chlorine and ammonia gas. 这种材料不透气亦不渗水,且暴露于具腐蚀性的氯气与氨气下时,至少能耐得住八小时。
The material is natural, tades orge. Non-hard.fire-resisting, heatproof, wearther-unchanging life. 材料、工资、时间、成本经济、费用底。

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