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On the other hand, if they are not in time, I solemnly promise that it will all come right in the end.

On the other hand, if the local epidemic prevention unit has discovered any quarantinable epidemic cases or monitored epidemic diseases, it must keep the health and quarantine organ informed about the matter. 当地卫生防疫机构发现检疫传染病、监测传染病时,应当向卫生检疫机关通报。
On the other hand, if the partners can stay past the breaking up of the romantic myths into the development of real love and intimacy, they have achieved work as amazing as the greatest cathedrals of the world. 但反过来说,如果双方能够挺过浪漫幻想破灭的打击,建立起真爱和亲密,他们就好比完成了一项杰作,不啻于世上最宏伟华丽的教堂那样的杰作。
On the other hand, if the racquet is vertical at the low point of the backswing it will tend to be open or tilted back at contact. 另一方面,如果网拍在它背后拉拍的低点是垂直的,它在接触点将倾向于是开放的或倾向后斜。
On the other hand, if the racquet is vertical at the low point of the backswing, it will be open or laid back at contact unless you make adjustments. 另一方面,如果网拍在背后拉拍的低点是垂直的,在接触点它将是开放的或者向后地放置,除非你作调整。
On the other hand, if the racquet is vertical at the low point of the backswing,the racquet will be tilted or laid back at the contact point. 另一方面,如果网拍在背后拉拍的低点是垂直的话,网拍将被倾斜或在接触点放得太后面。
On the other hand, if they are not in time, I solemnly promise that it will all come right in the end. 反过来,要是来不及,我郑重地向大家保证,最后的结局终归是圆满的。
On the other hand, if you advertise in other ways effectively, then you can afford to pay higher commissions, because you're not putting all your eggs in one basket. 在另一方面,如果你登广告等方式有效的话,可以支付较高佣金、因为你不把所有鸡蛋放在一个篮子里.
On the other hand, if you are displaying a page with a weather map containing new information by the minute, it would not make sense to cache this page. 另一方面,如果你在展示一个天气图的网页,内容包括每分钟更新的资讯,将此页快取的话则不会有多大的意义。
On the other hand, if you are keen to upgrade, we recommend that you buy from your Cash Balance before we pay it out. 另一方面,如果你热衷于升级,我们建议在我们支付之前,你从你的现金余额购买升级。
On the other hand, if you are stout and strong, you can go all out to overcome the obstacles that lie ahead of you. 另一方面,如果你身强力壮,你可以全力以赴克服面前的障碍。
On the other hand, if you have no clue at all about what to work on, it's time to get started. 另一方面,如果你找不到任何可以继续往下研究的线索,那说明开始的时间到了。

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