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Those therefore who were scattered went throughout the land announcing the word as the gospel.

Those that survive are more frequently left with physical or mental disabilities: the rate of cerebral palsy is six times as high for twins and 18 times higher for triplets, for instance. 那些幸存的则更多患有身体或精神残疾,比如,双胞胎患大脑性麻痹的几率很高,是普通婴儿的6倍,而三胞胎则是18倍。
Those that survive are more likely to experience problems with their development. 那些存活下来的过小婴儿在发育的过程中也会遇到更多问题。
Those that survive are more likely to experience problems with their development. And, experts say that as adults, they have a higher risk of diseases including heart disease and diabetes. 那些寸活下来的,在生长过程中遇到问题的可能性更大.并且,专家说,成年以后,他们有心脏病和糖尿病这样的疾病的风险也高一些.
Those then who received his word were baptized, and there were added on that day about three thousand souls. 41于是领受他话的人,就受了浸,那一天约添了三千人。
Those then who were scattered by the tribulation which took place on account of Stephen passed through as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except Jews only. 19那些因司提反的事遭患难四散的人,直走到腓尼基、居比路和安提阿,他们不向别人讲道,只向犹太人讲。
Those therefore who were scattered went throughout the land announcing the word as the gospel. 4那些分散的人就往各处去,传神的话为福音。
Those they deemed to be under the influence of the Devil, who was a real and a constant threat, were oftentimes hanged, tarred and feathered or run out of town. 他们认为这些人为魔鬼所左右,而魔鬼又是真正的、经常存在的威胁,于是这些人常常被绞死,被涂满焦油并裹上羽毛,或被赶出城去。
Those things need to be sustained by a strong civil society and democratically accountable, well-run government. 这些因素的维系,要依靠一个强大的公民社会,以及有民主监督的责任制度、运行良好的政府。
Those things that make for the putting off become a joy never fulfilled. 那些被推迟的成为遗失了得欢乐。
Those things will help to buy your [color=Red][b]subsistence [/b][/color]there, and your passage home again. 你的那些东西可以帮助你在那儿过活,并可做你回家的盘费。
Those things will help to buy your subsistence there, and your passage home again. 你的那些东西可以帮助你在那儿过活,并可做你回家的盘费。

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