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All samples of the tumor tissues were observed by electron microscope.The T lymphocyte subsets and B lymphocytes were detected and counted with monoclonal antibody technique before and after the cryotherapy.Results:The cured percentage of internal hemorrh

All rotor halves that we want on one drawing! 所有半转轴我们想在一个图纸上。
All rubber elastomers shall be of chloramine resistant material. 所有弹性合成橡胶应该是耐氯胺腐蚀材料。
All rules were now forgotten. 所有的规则都被忘在脑后。
All said it started to shine. 所有的人都说遗体开始放光。
All salts studied except NaCl exhibit perfect catalytic activity. 所研究的所有盐类,除氯化钠,都有很好的催化作用。
All samples of the tumor tissues were observed by electron microscope.The T lymphocyte subsets and B lymphocytes were detected and counted with monoclonal antibody technique before and after the cryotherapy.Results:The cured percentage of internal hemorrh 方法:取自西京医院15年间冷冻治疗肛肠区良性病变7018例,恶性病变636例,冷冻前后经电镜观察癌细胞变化及应用单克隆技术检测患者T细胞亚群、B细胞水平。
All savings outlets of the bank sell and redeem book-entry treasury bonds on commission. 银行所有储蓄机构网点代售、兑凭证式国库券。
All scheduled air services to, from or through Hong Kong, which do not operate to, from or through the mainland of China shall be regulated by the air service agreements or provisional arrangements referred to in this Article. 不涉及往返、经停中国内地而只往返、经停香港的定期航班,均由本条所指的民用航空运输协定或临时协议予以规定。
All school-aged children require an Immunization Form. This form must be signed and stamped by a licensed physician. 小童报读加拿大学校时需要一份防疫注射记录。该防疫记录需由专业注册医务人士签署及盖章。
All schoolbags should be put on the shelves. 学生进入图书馆后,请将书包放在书包架上。
All schools are under the control of the Ministry of Education. 所有学校统归教育部管辖。

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