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Aesthetic transcendence is an organic unity between individuality and sociality in the sense of becoming, for which modem artistic activity like surrealism has provided a convincing evidence.

Aeschylus wrote such plays as [b][color=#990000]Prometheus Bound,Persians[/color][/b] and [b][color=#990000]Agamemnon[/color][/b].Aeschylus is noted for his vivid character portrayal and majestic poetry. 埃斯库罗斯因其鲜货的人物描写和大气磅礴的戏剧诗而闻名遐迩,他的代表作品有《被缚的普罗米修斯》、《波斯人》和《阿迦门侬》。
Aesthetic appearance is one of the most important criteria used by consumers in judging clothing wear performance.Bagging is a kind of three-dimensional residual deformation that deteriorates garment appearance during wear and caused dissatisfaction.To un 美观是消费者日常服装穿着功能中最重要的指标之一.起拱是一种外衣穿着中引起变化,令人不满的三维残余变形.一种主观评价方法是从一系列起拱织物的照片来理解心理物理学规律,采用优劣排序等级和优劣评判等级两种方法用于心理评价标度.这两种等级互相间紧密相关,但评判等级比排序等级包含更多的信息,可以更好地区分出两种织物间的差异.主观评价结果与测量得到的残余起拱高度之间线性相关,表明了织物起拱特性符合斯特藩指数定律.残余起拱高度对织物起拱特性总方差的贡献在94%以上.其它可能是起拱时各向异性因素引起的.
Aesthetic education is not only an important factor of higher education, but also a vital part of quality education. 摘要美育是高等教育的重要方面,也是素质教育的重要组成部分。
Aesthetic field is the ecosphere of virtuous operating circle of aesthetic appreciation, criticism, research, and creation activities. 摘要审美场是审美欣赏、批评、研究、创造活动按序运转循环的生态圈。
Aesthetic transcendence is a problem that the Chinese literary theory and aesthetics are facing in the 21(superscript th) century. 摘要新世纪中国文艺理论和美学共同面对着审美超越问题。
Aesthetic transcendence is an organic unity between individuality and sociality in the sense of becoming, for which modem artistic activity like surrealism has provided a convincing evidence. 审美超越是个体性与社会性在生成论意义上的有机统一,超现实主义等现代艺术活动对此提供了有力证据。
Aesthetically and ecologically, the protection of nature needs the efforts of human beings. 摘要自然保护需要美学生态人。
Aesthetically it is likely to be much more pleasing than a RoT system. 从美学的角度,它比2分规则系统更能令人愉悦。
Aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole. 各部分和谐生动、符合美学规律的作品。
Aesthetically shocked—yes; we may sometimes be that. But morally, no. 但我们并不感到震惊,至少在道德上没有震惊。
Aesthetics between sexes or the amphoteric esthetics are a common mainstream preposition in the Chinese and foreign history of literature, but it is neglected since long ago in the history of literature. 摘要两性审美或者两性美学是中外文学史上一个共同的主流命题,但是长期以来被湮没在文学史中。

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