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What types of leadership skills were not transferable between contexts?

What types of Subscribers will subscribe to this publication? 订阅本出版物的订阅器是什么类型的?
What types of cover does your insurance company usually underwrite? 你们的保险公司一般承保哪些险别?
What types of coverage does your insurance company usually underwrite? 你们的保险公司一般承保哪些险别?
What types of exercise do you do? 你做哪些类型的运动?
What types of international brokerage accounts does Scottrade provide? 史考特证券的国际帐户有哪些种类?
What types of leadership skills were not transferable between contexts? 有那些领导技巧不是这两种职务之间可以通用的?
What types of ownership are available in Macau? 有什麽类型的物主身分权在澳门是可提供的?
What types of porcelain can be used with the aluminum oxide sleeve? 哪些瓷类可以与氧化铝套管配用?
What types of resentment have to be solved as priority? 什麽样的恩怨必须以死解决?
What types of taxation will property attract in Macau? 在澳门,那类型物产在徵税方面较为吸引?
What types of work are you looking for? 你打算找什么样的工作?

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