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Additionally, female students should improve themselves and strengthen their self-confidence.

Additionally, as only children the students are mentally fragile as they have many pressures upon their schoolwork, this has given rise to many self-esteem problems in students. 此外,我们的独生子女,一方面心理比较脆弱,另一方面他们要承受很大的升学压力,所以引发了许多心理问题,这已经引起了广大教育工作者的十分重视。
Additionally, baculovirus has been a new gene transfer vector used in gene therapy due to its advantages of the extremely high expression of foreign genes and being non-reproduce vector. 另外,杆状病毒是非复制型载体,能高效表达目的蛋白,其作为基因转移载体在基因治疗中乙显示出良好的应用前景。
Additionally, beginners probably have no idea what the best way is to design a full game up front. 还有,初学者可能不知道怎样在一开始就设计一个完整游戏的最好方法。
Additionally, consisting with the transaction mode of e-commerce and the digitization of paying tax, taxation levying and auditing are suggested to be consequently re-constructed. 本研究所得之结论为电子商务交易应课徵营业税及所得税,此外,为适应电子商务交易的交易模式,主要的付款行为已数位化,所以课徵的方法、查缉的技术,均必须设法改弦易辙。
Additionally, cooperation and exchange have also been carried out with mangrove scholars from Seikei University and University of the Ryukyus in Japan for mangrove research. 另外,本中心还与日本成蹊大学、琉球大学的学者开展了红树林研究方面的合作与交流。
Additionally, female students should improve themselves and strengthen their self-confidence. 其次,女大学生自身要完善自我,增强自信。
Additionally, flavorings can be added to gourmet coffees to create intoxicating new tastes and these flavored gourmet coffees included such favorite flavored coffee drinks. 此外,它还可以添加一些辅料,制成不同的风味的咖啡饮品。
Additionally, flexible definition based on chain and hiberarchy was proposed and corresponding coding system had been developed, which implemented auto-coding of parts through coding tree. 建立了面向大批量定制设计的柔性分类编码体系,提出了基于链式与层次结构的柔性化定义,开发了相应的编码管理系统,通过编码树实现了零部件的自动编码。
Additionally, he has twice been granted fellowships in poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts. 另外,全国艺术捐赠基金会曾两次给他颁发诗歌奖学金。
Additionally, he's adopted Maddox and Zahara, shown at left, and is the biological father of Shiloh Nouvel, right. 在收养帕克斯之前,皮特已经成为朱莉先前收养的马多斯和扎哈拉的养父,并和朱莉生下女儿希洛·努韦尔·朱莉-皮特。
Additionally, high ADC values were found in the hippocampus, temporal lobe gray matter and the corpus callosum, which connects the two cerebral hemispheres. 此外,高ADC值也见于海马区、颞叶灰质及胼胝体,胼胝体是连接两侧脑半球的结构。

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