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If there were no suffering, we would be conceited; no vicissitude, we won't comfort the unfortunate with compassion.

If there were any symbol of the capitalistic excesses of the era, immortalised in films like Josef von Sternberg's classic Shanghai Express and J. 不过,自1949年革命以来,外滩与中国的资本主义一样,长期处于沉寂状态。
If there were no gravity, we should not be able to walk. 假如没有引力,我们就不可能行走。
If there were no hu**and, who will look after our mistress? 要是人间没了丈夫,试问谁会照顾我们这些主妇?
If there were no husband, who will look after our mistress ? 要是人间没了丈夫,试问谁会照顾我们这些主妇?
If there were no husband, who will look after our mistress? 要是人间没了丈夫,试问谁会照顾我们这些主妇?
If there were no suffering, we would be conceited; no vicissitude, we won't comfort the unfortunate with compassion. 若没有苦难,我们会骄傲,没有沧桑,我们不会以同理心去安慰不幸的人。
If there were such a backlash, it could be a threat not just to globalisation, but to democracy itself. 如果出现这样的倒退,这无论是于全球化,还是于民主都是一种威胁。
If there's someone without whom the meeting can't take place (and who's often tardy), schedule a pre-meeting debriefing with him 15 minutes beforehand. 如果会议缺少某个人就不能进行(而这个人做事又总是拖拖拉拉的),就事先安排一个十五分钟的会前任务报告。
If there's a downturn in one part of yourlife, your other strengths can help you through the tough times. 如果你的人生中的某一部分正处于低谷,你其它的能力会帮助你度过这段艰难时期。
If there's a emergency,you should break the glass-mantle and push the button. 遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。
If there's a flaw in this CD player, you must return it within 30 days with the receipt. 如果这个CD随身听有瑕疵,必须在30天之内拿发票来换.

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