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Spanish painter of genre scenes, portraits, and religious subjects, such as Immaculate Conception(1668).

Spanish fashion designer noted for his stark, elegant designs. 巴伦西亚加,克里斯特帕1895-1972西班牙服装设计师,以其严谨精致的设计闻名
Spanish film-maker Pedro Almodovar and Cruz are hoping to persuade the Oscar winner to join the director\'s forthcoming untitled project. 西班牙的电影导演阿尔默多瓦和克鲁茨期望说服基德曼,加入到下一步为定名影片的拍摄队伍中。
Spanish is akin to Latin. 西班牙语与拉丁语近似。
Spanish long distance swimmer David Meca completed a 26-hour non-stop crossing from the Spanish mainland to the island of Ibiza Thursday, overcoming bouts of vomiting and swarms of jellyfish to do so. 1月5日,西班牙人戴维·梅卡完成了从西班牙大陆到地中海西部伊比沙岛的长达26个小时的长距离游泳,全程长110公里。
Spanish media reports said the smugglers included Venezuelan, Colombian, Peruvian, Korean and Chinese citizens, but a Spanish police spokesman said their nationalities could not yet be confirmed. 西班牙媒体报道这些毒贩有委内瑞拉人,哥伦比亚人,秘鲁人,韩国人以及中国人。但是西班牙警方的发言人则称这些毒贩的国籍尚未得到确认。
Spanish painter of genre scenes, portraits, and religious subjects, such as Immaculate Conception(1668). 牟利罗,巴托洛米奥·埃斯特巴1617-1682西班牙风俗、肖像和宗教题材的画家,比如圣灵怀胎1668
Spanish police and local government officials were unavailable for comment. 西班牙警方和阿利坎特市的政府官员还没有就此事发表评论。
Spanish records document Chinese settlements in Acapulco, Mexico as early as 1600’s. 1600s根据西班牙文记载,华人早在西元1600年左右落脚于墨西哥。
Spanish red rough machining, mercury, medicines procurement and trafficking. Cooking oil processing and marketing. 朱砂粗加工、汞、中药材购销、贩运。食油加工、销售。
Spanish red, cinnabar, mercury and mercury-series of products, containing material recovery smelting, Spanish red, cinnabar production and processing. 朱砂、辰砂、汞及汞系列产品、含汞物料回收冶炼、朱砂、辰砂生产加工。
Spanish spelling is phonetic. 西班牙语的拼写与发音相似.

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