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A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others.

A layer of decoration, such as gold leaf or wood veneer, applied to a surface. 饰面一层修饰,如金箔或木镶板,铺于表层上
A layer of sponge cake soaked in vanilla essence covered with chocolate mousse sprinkled with bittersweet chocolate powder. 在吸取了香草精华的多孔蛋糕上,覆盖了一层巧克力慕司,表面一层特别的巧克力粉,使其香味更加浓郁。
A layer, as of doubled-over cloth or of paperboard. 一层一层,如折叠过的布料或纸板的
A layout of an image to be printed, such as a book cover. 杂凑而成的东西将要印刷的图案设计,如书的封面
A lazy or idle person; a loafer. 懒惰或闲散的人;游手好闲者
A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others. 懒鬼,游手好闲的人一个懒惰或得过且过的人,尤指靠别人施舍过生活的人
A lazy person has an objection to working. 懒人对工作有异议。
A lazy person loses his time. 懒惰者丧失时间。
A lazy person; a loafer. 懒惰的人;游手好闲的人
A lazy student,in order to play truant,may play fox,pretending to be ill to have a stomachache,for example. 偷懒的学生为了逃学,可能会藏奸耍滑,比如说他会装病,说自己胃疼。
A lazy youth, a lousy age. 【谚】少壮不努力,老大徒悲伤。

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