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C. Employers are not obligated to honor contracts made by the purchasing agent even when the agent operates within the delegated responsibility.

C. Copy of Fax advising shipment according to Clause 13 of this contract. 根据这个合同条目13,电传的发货通知的复印件。
C. Don't trust him, because he is dishonest. 不要相信他,因为他不老实。
C. Don`t go on brand name; just wear those things in which you feel comfortable. 别走入名牌的迷思,穿你觉得舒服的服饰即可.
C. DuDu: How old are you? 都都:你几岁了?
C. DuDu: Hurry up! Hurry up! 都都:快一点!快一点!
C. Employers are not obligated to honor contracts made by the purchasing agent even when the agent operates within the delegated responsibility. 即使采购代理依照所授责任运作,雇主也无责任兑现采购代理订立的合同。
C. Encrypt the RSA folder on the computer, and make a copy of the folder on floppy disk to store in a secure location. 将电脑上的RSA资料夹加密,并把该资料夹复制到软碟中以便存放在一个安全的地方。
C. F. Gauss,G.F. 算术,数学的皇后.
C. F. Lu, C. C. Liu, and C. J. Wu, An Incremental Model of Battery Energy Storage System for Load Frequency Control, Journal of Chung-Chou, Vol. 7, pp. 209-222, 1994. 吕俊锋,刘群章,吴启瑞,蓄电池储能系统于电力系统之应用,电力电子技术,第26期,67-76页,1995年4月.
C. Fiction books, for example, are usually arranged alphabetically, according to the names of the authors. Nonfiction books are arranged subject by subject. 例如,科幻小说一般根据作者姓名按照字母顺序排列。非小说书籍则按不同学科/主题排列。
C. Flexibility is an important aspect of a good hurdler. 适应性对于一个好的跨栏选手也是一个重要方面.

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