The results of the investigation in forests showed that Dastarcus helophoroides adults displayed a core distribution pattern, that belonged to aggegated distribution, and changed to mosaic distribution pattern in a denser population due to the exclusion b
摘要林间调查和研究表明,花绒坚甲成虫的分布格局为聚集分布中的核心分布型,在群体密度较大时,由于个体间具有竞争寄主的排斥行为,其分布则转变为嵌纹分布;花绒坚甲在进入新的分布区后,首先是建立大小不等的聚集群,再以聚集群体的形式向周围扩散。 |
The results of the investigations can be used for the comprehensive management, ocean exploitation and construction of engineering structure in coastal zones and can also provide basic scientific data for planning, environmental protection and sustainable
调查研究成果可以应用于海岸带的综合管理、海洋开发和工程建设,可为沿海地区的规划、环境保护和经济可持续发展提供基础科学依据。 |
The results of the marking points transformation indicate that the reversible method proposed in this paper is feasible.
利用标志点进行验证的结果表明,该方法正确可行。 |
The results of the mathematic models have not only verified the results of the field observation but also discovered that the worst situation occurred when cargos were placed only on the stacking yards behind the wharfs, which was the main cause for shore
数模计算结果除验证了原型观测的结果以外,还发现仅在后方堆场堆载工况为最危险情况,是造成岸坡变形和后方承台构件相对错位的主要原因。 |
The results of the planting experiments showed that the various nutritive components (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, etc.) in the dose could be balancedly absorbed by tomato, and that the dose was nutrition-balanced.
栽培试验结果表明,该配方中的各种营养成分(氮、磷、钾、钙、镁等)基本可以被番茄均衡地吸收,属于营养均衡的配方。 |
The results of the present study showed that the associative false memory was influenced by pre-warning, but not by interval; while the misguided false memory was quite the contrary.
结果发现:关联性错误记忆出现预警效应,但不具有时间效应;误导性错误记忆则恰好相反。 |
The results of the research indicate that the assembled highway bridge steel truss is an effective means to resolve the common problems of falsework over river for construction of cast-in-situ prestressed concrete continuous girders.
研究表明,采用装配式公路钢桥桁架解决跨河预应力混凝土连续梁现浇混凝土施工支架问题是有效的。 |
The results of the running system show that the proposed scheme can make the policeman obtain needed information quickly and effectively at any occasion and time.
实践证明,该方案能使干警可以在任何场合下都能快速和有效地获取其所需要的信息。 |
The results of the simulation of computer verify that the methods can improve the accuracy and reliability of the tracks.
计算机仿真验证了该方法可以改进目标航迹的精度与可靠性。 |
The results of the simulation of the control system in ethanol fractionation process indicate that the method of optimization is excellent and easy to apply in engineering.
利用该算法对乙醇分离过程进行了满意控制系统仿真,结果表明,该算法行之有效,易于工程实现。 |
The results of the simulation show that boundary conditions have some effect on bridge damage detection, but the damage forms have no effect on it.
结果表明,用连续小波空间变换分析识别结构损伤的结果受一定边界条件的影响,而裂缝的形式对识别效果几乎没有产生影响。 |