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Tries on (clothes) 2. Jacket 3. Calf trousers 4. Athletic shoes 5.Tblood 6. Evening dress 7. Why is that you is putting on the woolensweater reason? 8. What do you plan at the meeting put on?

Trickle messages are asynchronous and reliable. Trickle messages are conveyed in scheduler RPC messages, so they may not be delivered immediately after being generated. 触发消息是异步和可靠的。触发消息通过调度服务的远端过程调用(RPC)消息进行传递,因此它们可能不会在消息生成后立即就被发送。
Trickling rain, endless longing. Oh, the raindrops of my yearning, will they fall on your hair and moisten your heart? 淅淅沥沥,扯不断的雨丝;绵绵长长,割不断的相思!相思的雨呀,是否也能温柔地洒落在你的发尖,淋洒在你心里?
Tricycle: one may see different types of tricycles in the streets and alleys of Shaoxing. They are deployed to provide convenience and relaxation to tourists. The minimum fare is 3 RMB. 在绍兴的大街小巷,还遍布着各式各样的人力三轮车,为来绍游客提供便捷、休闲的服务。三轮车的起步价一般为3元。
Tried to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, but no one bit. 将布鲁克林区和长岛区分开的一个狭窄水道。
Tried-and-true methods mix with fresh concepts to create better wildland fleets. 试用真实方法混合新鲜理念,创造出更好的荒地船队.
Tries on (clothes) 2. Jacket 3. Calf trousers 4. Athletic shoes 5.Tblood 6. Evening dress 7. Why is that you is putting on the woolensweater reason? 8. What do you plan at the meeting put on? 试穿(衣服)2.夹克3.牛崽裤4.运动鞋5.T血6.晚礼服7.那就是你为什么正穿着毛衣的原因吗?8.你计划在聚会上穿什么?
Tries to improve reliability, safety, and user reactions by designing jobs in a way that reduces the information processing requirements of the job. 通过降低职位对于信息处理的要求,来改善工作的可靠性,安全性,以及使用者所做出的反应.
Trigonometry helps rotate and move characters, while algebra creates the special effects that make images shine and sparkle. 三角学有助于旋转和移动人物,而代数学则适用于制作使影像闪闪发光的特效。
Trilogy. Yeah. I do have some sad news to report. Bjork couldn't be here tonight. She was trying on her oscar dress, and Dick Cheney shot her. 流行乐坛天后比约克,今年却不在这里。缘于她正想再一次穿上她的奥斯卡晚礼服来赴盛会时,切尼向她开枪射击了!”
Trim off the woodsy bottoms of the asparagus stalks and cut asparagus stalks in half. Reserve the spear parts for other use. Dice the lower portion of the asparagus. 将芦笋粗皮削去不用,然后切为两半,笋尖部分留作它用。尾部切成细丁状。
Trim roots and ends from scallions and discard. Wash well, and dry with paper towel. Cut crosswise into 3-inch pieces. Slice pieces lengthwise as thinly as possible. 切去大葱的根部。洗净,用纸巾擦干。将大葱斜切成3-英寸长的段。然后将大葱尽可能的切细。

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