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By analyzing the influence of hemisphere pits with different dimension and ellipsoid pits with different aspect ratio on stress and strain distribution of lap joint, the possible propagation of fatigue crack was discussed, and the effects of localized pit

By analyzing the features of library management research of recent 5 years with the thesis statistic of 《Chinese Periodical Net》, this paper points out that though the library management research has achieved great success, there are still some limitation 摘要通过《中国期刊网》有关图书馆管理研究论文的统计,分析国内近5年来图书馆管理研究的特点,认为近5年来图书馆管理研究取得极大的成果,但除了知识管理和人力资源管理研究稍显深入具体外,其他观点虽然众多,但论述浮浅,力度不足。
By analyzing the features of metro entry gate (EnG) queuing system, a computer simulation model is established. 摘要通过对城市轨道交通进站检票机排队系统特徵的分析,建立了进站检票机仿真系统。
By analyzing the first case about Sudan Redthat happened in China, which has called for the problem about punitive compensation and liability concurrence. 摘要通过分析全国首例“苏丹红”案所涉惩罚性赔偿的适用及责任竞合问题,认为惩罚性赔偿责任的构成要件为经营者提供商品、服务时有欺诈行为及消费者受有损失。
By analyzing the historical materials related to the translation for The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeblemindedness, we found that the theory and practice of eugenics were entangled with complicated marriage ethics when it was introduced 摘要通过对与《善恶家族》一书翻译有关的史料分析,我们了解到近代优生学被引入中国时,其理论与实践和复杂的婚姻道德价值判断纠缠在一起。
By analyzing the indoor flexural fatigue tests of small beams, the paper Concludes that the fatigue life of lean concrete follows the two-parameter Weibull distribution, and establishes two types of fatigue equation under different stress level and equiva 通过分析室内小梁弯拉疲劳试验结果,得出贫混凝土的疲劳寿命服从双参数威布尔分布,据此建立了不同应力水平和等效应力水平下两种形式的疲劳方程。
By analyzing the influence of hemisphere pits with different dimension and ellipsoid pits with different aspect ratio on stress and strain distribution of lap joint, the possible propagation of fatigue crack was discussed, and the effects of localized pit 通过分析不同尺寸的半球形蚀坑和不同长短半轴比值的半椭球形蚀孔应力应变分布的影响,探讨搭接件疲劳裂纹的可能扩展方向,讨论局部孔蚀对搭接件结构完整性的影响。
By analyzing the internal connection between the meaning of speech act and its validity claims, Habermas has emphasized that the meaning of speech act can be only demonstrated in communicative action. 这一理论通过对言语行为的意义与它的有效性要求之间内在关联性的分析,指出了言语行为的意义只有在交往行为中才能呈现出来。
By analyzing the interrelationship between citizens's social character end their leisure activity, especially choice of activity type, we hope the result provide basic knowledge for urban leisure space planning. 其中特别对居民社会属性与其游憩地的选择进行了相关分析,为城市游憩规划提供了基本依据。
By analyzing the legal status of compensation for ecological benefits of forest and referring to the practices and experiences of other countries concerned in the respect, the paper puts forward some measures for legislatively perfecting the compensation 该文在分析森林生态效益补偿的法律地位的基础上,借鉴国外的生态效益补偿的成功经验,提出了完善我国森林生态效益补偿的立法措施。
By analyzing the microstructure, the digitized cell model of three-dimensional four-directional composites is established, then the mechanic properties of three-dimensional four-directional composites are calculated by the digitized cell-based finite elem 摘要在确立三维四向编织复合材料数字化单胞力学分析模型的基础上,运用均匀化方法对三维编织复合材料的等效弹性性能进行了分析计算,并讨论了编织角和纤维体积含量对此材料等效弹性性能的影响。
By analyzing the model of radio wave propagation loss, this paper provides a weighted centroid localization algorithm that uses coefficients, which are decided by the influence of beacons to unknown nodes, to prompt localization accuracy. 文中通过对无线电传播路径损耗模型的分析,提出了加权质心定位算法,用信标节点对未知节点的不同影响力来确定加权因子,以提高定位精度。

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