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Accordingly, we propose that blocking interferon-alpha might lead to a therapy for lupus by preventing dendritic cell activation.

Accordingly, we expect to be able to forward your order to you within the next fortnight. Again, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience caused on this occasion. 因此,我们预计在今后两星期内发送您定购的货物。再次对给您造成的不便表示歉意。
Accordingly, we have shifted our breeding objectives from increasing productivity into improving palatability of rice varieties. 因此,人们已将育种目标从高产转向口感良好的水稻品种。
Accordingly, we hereby offer the following suggestions. 为此,特提出以下意见。
Accordingly, we introduce ourselves to you by sending you our catalogs and price-lists. 为此,我们现在寄去商品目录和价目单,用以向你公司毛遂自荐。
Accordingly, we participate constructively with government officials, interested private organizations, and concerned members of the general public toward these ends. 按照所说的情形,我们和政府官员,对此事感兴趣的,和公众中关心此事的人有建设性地参与并走向结束。
Accordingly, we propose that blocking interferon-alpha might lead to a therapy for lupus by preventing dendritic cell activation. 因此我们建议,阻断α干扰素也许可以防止树突细胞活化,进而治瘉狼疮。
Accordion pleats; accordion blinds. 褶状的裙边;褶状的遮阳物
Accordiyg your like to choice different color flash glue and pile out it from inside pipe and fill it on corresponding place of the paper card. 根据你的喜爱,选择不同颜色的闪光胶,把其从管内挤出,填在纸卡上相应位置。
Accoring to my friend who saw more clearly, there was the woman stylist at the assistant's seat wearing green clothes. 根据我朋友清楚地看到,副驾驶座上有一位穿着绿色衣服的女设计师.
Accoring to the history, division of labor based on the equal and mutual benifit which build between the China and America is the mose reasonable and useful international relations. 历史雄辩地说明,中美之间建立在平等互利基础上的劳动分工是最为合理和实用的国际关系。
Account PRECISELY for EVERY change you made. State why you would make the change and what effect this change would havehad on the battle. 一定要准确地说明你所作的每一个更改。说出你为什么要做这个更改,和这个改动对战斗会有什么影响。

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