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An adult Volvox consists of around 2,000 body cells, whose job is to move the organism around using their flagella, and 16 cells capable of reproducing.

An administrative part of a diocese that has its own church in the Anglican, Roman Catholic, and some other churches. 本堂区,牧区教区的一个在圣公会、罗马天主教和其它宗教有自己的教堂的行政区域
An administrative secretarial position where communication skills and a pleasant attitude toward people will be assets. 行政秘书的职务,用得上交际技巧和与人为善的态度。
An admirer or a disciple of Richard Wagner. 作曲家瓦格那的崇拜者或门徒
An adornment or a cover. 装饰物或覆盖物
An adult Angora can produce as much as 7 kilograms of hair each year. 成年的安哥拉羊每年可以产出7公斤的羊毛。
An adult Volvox consists of around 2,000 body cells, whose job is to move the organism around using their flagella, and 16 cells capable of reproducing. 一个成年的团藻有大约2000个体细胞,它们的功能是控制自己的鞭毛来让整个生物体运动起来,而另有16个细胞是有生殖能力的。
An adult angora can produce as much as 7 kilogram of moheir each year.As the goats grow older,however,there here becomes thicker and less valuable.Hair from white or solid colored goats is the most popular. but the appeal of the mix color of moheir has gr 一个成年的安哥拉羊每年可以产差不多7公斤的马海毛.然而,随着山羊的成长,它们变得越来越厚并且变得没有价值.白色和纯色山羊的头发是最流行的.但是近年来对混合颜色的马海毛的需求已经增加了.美国是马海毛的主要生产者之一并且出口大部分它的产量.
An adult cheetah rests in the grass at a Jersey zoo. 在泽西动物园中,一头成年猎豹正在草地上小憩。
An adult human magnified by the same amount would be over a mile(1.6 kilometer) tall. 一个成年人要是也被放大相同的倍数,那么它就有一英里(1.6千米)多高了。
An adult male chicken; a rooster. 公鸡一只已成熟的公鸡;雄鸡
An adult or a legal organization that have permanent residence in Beijing and is entrusted by the student's parents is eligible for being the student's guardian. 凡与此学生有关系的成年人或合法机构,受其家长委托在北京市内有固定住所方可作为该生的监护人。

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