His characteristic gait is smooth and seemingly effortless.
步态很有特点:平滑、不费力。 |
His characteristically unconventional solution is to arrange the primary collectors like the petals of a daisy, with one symmetric mirror in the center surrounded by six off-axis partners, each distinctly lopsided in shape.
他那极具颠覆性的解决之道,便是将主要的接收器排得像雏菊的花瓣那般,六面形状各异的偏轴镜将环绕中央的对称镜。 |
His characteristics totally changed after marriage.
他结婚之后性格判若两人。 |
His charge set me off like the lead car in just such a rally, and Dazhuangke was quickly in my sights. There I found a little surprise awaiting.
他的一声号令让我成了拉力赛中的领头汽车。不久我就见到了大庄科镇。我发现了一些惊喜。 |
His charges are very reasonable.
他的价钱很公道。 |
His charges were met with cries of anger.
他的指控遭到一阵愤怒的反对声。 |
His charisma can be glimpsed beneath his lumbering gait and straggly hair, but his delivery is a bit monotone.
他迟缓的步态和凌乱的头发掩盖不了他摄人的感召力,但在他说台词的时候就显得有些黯淡了。 |
His charming manner will usually sweep women off their feet.
他迷人的风釆经常吸引女人。 |
His cheek tingle from the slap she have give him.
他的面颊因挨了她一记耳光而感到刺痛。 |
His cheeks are beginning to plump out/up.
他的脸颊胖起来了. |
His cheeks are like a bed of spices, Mounds of sweetly fragrant herbs; His lips are lilies, Dripping with liquid myrrh.
13他的两腮如香花畦,如香草台;他的嘴唇像百合花,滴下没药汁。 |