Steve is already beginning to feel at home with his new team mates, with whom some. He already knew a number of them, especially former Arsenal colleague Ashley Cole.
西德维尔很快就在球队找到了熟悉的感觉,在这里他找到了很多朋友,特别是原阿森那的队友—阿什利.科尔。 |
Steve is feeling very down today.
今天情绪很低落。 |
Steve is ill. Can you fill in for him?
史蒂夫病了,你能代替他吗? |
Steve is responsible for the final blends of all wines bottled at the Rutherford Wine Company.
2005年,史帝文加盟罗斯福酒庄任酿酒师,负责所有罗斯福酒庄出品的最后调配。 |
Steve learned a lot at class.
他的班上总共有30名学生。 |
Steve plans to bike around the world but it is probably just another flight of fancy.
史提夫计画骑脚踏车环游全世界,恐怕又是异想天开罢了。 |
Steve scored a birdie on the seventh holes.
史蒂夫在7号洞打出了低于标准杆的一级。 |
Steve tells Rebecca his decision.
史蒂夫告诉丽贝卡自己的决定。 |
Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree. It made me very mad. When you're an adult, no one can pick on you.
史蒂夫抢了我的书包放到树上。这真让我气愤。当你成为一个大人了,就不会有人找你麻烦了。 |
Steve was beginning to feel flabby so be decided to start an exercise program.
史蒂夫渐渐感到身体虚弱,所以他决定开始锻炼计划。 |
Steve was talented, but lazy and undisciplined.
斯蒂夫很有天赋,但是懒散而且不守纪律。 |