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You need to trust your parents .

You need to take an alcohol test. 你没有通过酒精测试,我必须带你回警局。
You need to take part in physical training. (你需要参加体育锻炼。)
You need to take the bull by the horns. 你需要勇敢地面对困难。
You need to test if an object, typically an argument to a function or method you're writing, is a string (or more precisely, whether the object is string-like). 检查一个对象(一般是函数或方法的参数)是否是字符串,或者说是否类似于字符串。
You need to transpose a list of lists, turning rows into columns and vice versa. 你需要变换一个列表的列表,把行转换成列,反之亦然。
You need to trust your parents . 你应该相信你的父母。
You need to understand that tattling is pro-social aggression. 你要知道,「滥告状」是一种具有社会倾向的侵犯(人多才会诱发此行为)。
You need to update your antivirus software. 你必须经常更新防毒软件。
You need to use a good heart rate monitor, have specific weekly goals, and keep an aerobic fitness diary. 你需要使用一个优质的心率监测器,制订每周训练目标,并做每日有氧健身的记录。
You need to use more elbow grease when waxing the car.I can't see my reflection on the hood yet. 你给汽车上蜡时要多用点力,我在引擎盖上还看不出我的倒影。
You need to wear a few layers of warm clothes. 你应该多穿几层暖和的衣服。

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