There is no soundness in my flesh because of thine anger; neither is there any rest in my bones because of my sin.
诗38:3因你的恼怒、我的肉无一完全.因我的罪过、我的骨头也不安宁。 |
There is no space between the function name and the parenthesis.
函数名与括号之间没有空格. |
There is no space for doubt.
我们没有怀疑的余地。 |
There is no specific remedy for the malady.
没有医治这种病的特效药。 |
There is no specified form for capitulation.
投降协议并无固定形式。 |
There is no spot on the Yankees' roster for Bernie Williams, who is uncomfortable as a free agent after 16 seasons in New York.
威廉斯并没有被名列在洋基队的正式名单上,他在洋基效力16年之后成为自由球员,感觉很不舒服。 |
There is no stack operation error, simply a recursive call that never ends , at least before it runs out of system source.
该现象表明是由于堆栈操作错误导致返回失败引起死循环调用撑爆了堆栈。 |
There is no standard BID definition.
商业改善区域之定义是没有标准定义的。 |
There is no steppe type in Georgia because there is no steppe region in Georgia.
格鲁吉亚并没有平原型高加索因为格鲁吉亚没有平原地区。 |
There is no sticking or clogging making the design rugged and reliable.
弹簧在上述介质中被保护,不会产生粘住和阻尼的情况,这使得该设计稳定,安全可靠。 |
There is no substitute for good preparation.
充分的准备是必不可少的。 |