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Alessandro Del Piero's brace secured Juve's ticket to Serie A at the end of “a nightmare year.

Alertness must be bred into every soldier. 警惕性必须渗透到每个战士的血管中去。
Alerts UAP manager and quality manager in case of non-conformity. 一旦发现不合格向UAP经理和质量经理报警。
Alessandra Mussolini, niece of Loren and grand-daughter of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, said Ponti had been in a Geneva hospital since Christmas. 意大利前法西斯独裁者墨索里尼的孙女,罗兰的侄女,亚丽山德拉.墨索里尼表示,自圣诞节后,庞帝就一直住在日内瓦的一所医院里。
Alessandro Del Piero admits he enjoyed facing off against Milan on the grand stage of San Siro again and can't wait to return next season. 德尔皮耶罗承认他喜欢在壮观的圣西罗和米兰交锋而且迫不及待要在下赛季归来。
Alessandro Del Piero is overjoyed at news Gigi Buffon has extended his contract, but says there's plenty of time for his own Juventus pledge. 亚历山德罗·德尔·皮耶罗在得知吉吉·布冯与球队续约后喜出望外,他说我们有充裕的时间实现为尤文图斯许下的承诺.
Alessandro Del Piero's brace secured Juve's ticket to Serie A at the end of “a nightmare year. 阿历桑德罗·德尔皮耶罗的梅开二度使尤文稳获意甲的入场卷,结束了梦魇的一个赛季。
Alessandro Delfino, another archaeologist who took part in the excavations, said Monday's discovery highlighted a social changein the funerary habits of the people who dwelled in the area, from incinerating to burying the dead. 参与发掘工作的另外一位考古学家还表示,这一发现说明了生活在该地区的古罗马人殡葬习惯的“社会变迁”,从将尸体火化到直接埋葬死者。
Alessandro Mancini may quit Roma if fans continue to hound him, according to his agent. 通过他的经纪人,亚里山大罗曼奇尼表示可能离开罗马如果球迷继续攻击他的话。
Alessandro Nesta, Andrea Pirlo, Pippo Inzaghi and Rino Gattuso will take to the field today for Italy, Dario Simic for Croatia and Marek Jankulovski for the Czeck Republic. 内斯塔、皮尔洛、因扎吉和加图索将代表意大利出现在今天的赛场上,西米奇将为克罗地亚出场,杨库诺夫斯基将为捷克征战。
Alessandro and Giuseppe are Barbie Doll collectors and dealers from Rome, Italy. 来自意大利罗马的亚里桑德罗和吉赛贝是芭比娃娃经销商同时也是芭比迷。
Alessio Tacchinardi has come back to the base but he's only at Juve temporarily. He will not leave for the training camp today. 塔齐纳蒂在租借出去后暂时重返尤文,他不会参加今天开始的尤文夏训。

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