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He commended them for their enthusiasm.

He commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. 42他吩咐我们传道给众人、证明他是神所立定的、要作审判活人死人的主。
He commands a destroyer squadron. 他指挥一个驱逐舰分队。
He commands an infantry regiment. 他指挥一个步兵团。
He commands enough that obeys a wise man. 听从智者意见的人无需多问别人.
He commands the respect of all who know him well. 所有了解他的人都对他非常尊敬。
He commended them for their enthusiasm. 他称赞他们的热情。
He commented that the project was a fiasco. 他发表意见说这项计画是个大失败。
He commissioned a statue of his wife. 他请人制作他妻子的雕像。
He committed all the sins his father had done before him; his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his forefather had been. 3亚比央行他父亲在他以前所行的一切恶.他的心不像他祖大卫的心、诚诚实实的顺服耶和华他的神。
He committed an astonishing blunder. 他犯了一个惊人的错误。
He committed blasphemy against religion. 他犯了对宗教的亵渎罪。

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