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An Experiment on Transdifferentiation from Murine Pancreatic Ductal Epithelial Cells to Islet-Like Cells and Implantation into Diabetic Mice

An E-ferule Application Based on Agent 基于Agent的电子教鞭系统
An Efficient Precise Convergent Algorithm for "Satchel “挎包”问题的一种高效精确收敛算法
An Empirical Study of the Impact of Accrued Profits and Cash Flow on Dividend Policy 应计利润和现金流量对股利决策影响的实证研究
An Endless Passage of the Soul: A Cultural Interpretation of E.M. Forster's Novels 永无止境的灵魂之旅——E.M.福斯特小说的文化解读
An Expansive Cooper Transformation 扩展的Cooper变换
An Experiment on Transdifferentiation from Murine Pancreatic Ductal Epithelial Cells to Islet-Like Cells and Implantation into Diabetic Mice 小鼠胰腺导管上皮细胞和骨髓间充质干细胞转分化为胰岛样细胞的实验研究
An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Turbulence on Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Dished Paraboloid 气流紊流度对碟形抛物面气动力特性影响的实验研究
An Experimental Research on the Fluid Velocity Passing Through JIB_ Convertor's Director Blades in Water TunneI by Using L D V 利用激光多普勒测速仪对JIB_型变扭器导轮叶片的水洞测试与研究
An Experimental Study of Applying Rough Outlined and Figural Teaching 铅球教学采用粗线条形象教学法的实验研究
An Experimental Study of Gene and Drug Therapies to Stabilizethe Vulnerable Plaques 应用基因和药物治疗稳定易损斑块的实验研究
An Experimental Study of Mustine and Its Isomeride on Tumor 盐酸氮芥及其异构体抗肿瘤研究

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