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Choose Self-extracting archivesfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure.

Choose Archivesfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure. 在下拉选单选择「压缩档」,并按下图作设定。
Choose Boot sectorsfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure. 在下拉选单选择「开机磁区」,并按下图作设定。
Choose Emailfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure. 在下拉选单选择「电邮」,并按下图作设定。
Choose Operating memoryfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure. 在下拉选单选择「电邮资料夹」,并按下图作设定。
Choose Run-time packersfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure. 在下拉选单选择「运行时间压缩器」,并按下图作设定。
Choose Self-extracting archivesfrom the pull down menu, then make settings referring to the following figure. 在下拉选单选择「自我解压档」,并按下图作设定。
Choose 'Finished Write files and return to main menu.'. 选择“写入文件并退回主菜单”。
Choose Book Page Numbering Options in the Book palette menu. 在制版板块菜单中选择“页码编号选项”。
Choose C: Love sometimes just as your game of going hunting, missed this one before one's eyes, your canthus will catch a glimpse of nearby soon, there is another new prey, the mental state can be changed quickly, target can change the love clear-cutly fa 选择C:爱情有时就像你的狩猎游戏,错过了眼前的这个,你的眼角马上就瞥见不远处,还有另一个新猎物,心境可以转换得很快,恋爱对象也能换得又快又干脆。
Choose EXIT to close the launcher. 选择退出以关闭载入器。
Choose File/Open and locate the multi-layered image you want to animate. In a multi-layered image, each layer will become an individual frame. 选择文件/打开,然后定位你希望制作动态效果的多层图像。在多层图像中,每一层都是一个独立的帧。

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