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About this time hypnotism was enjoying a fad throughout the country, and a friend suggested that he try it as a means of helping his condition.

About thirty minutes,more or less. 大约三十分钟左右。
About this conference, however, there are a few study problems needing reconsidering: the resolution to reorganize the Red Army was made not in Zunyi but in Zhaxi Conference; CPC's Resolution on Campaigns against Enemy's Five-Times' Encirclements was endo 这些问题,有些一时难以得出确切结论,如关于当时中共中央政治局内是否设有常委、张闻天是“总负责”还是任中央书记处“总书记”的问题;有些问题虽然存在各种说法,但却可以根据文献和史实,得出统一的结论,这就是:对红军进行整编是扎西会议作出的决定,而不是遵义会议作出的决定,整编工作是在扎西会议后进行的;《关于反对敌人五次“围剿”的总结的决议》是在2月8日的扎西会议上通过的,这个决议也不能简称为《遵义会议决议》。
About this there is unanimity among the historians. 关于这一点,那些历史学家的看法一致。
About this time Jane Fairfax received the handsome gift of a pianoforte , anonymously given. 大约就在这个时候,简收到了一份厚礼,这是一架钢琴,送礼者不知何人。
About this time Jane Fairfax received the handsome gift of a pianoforte, anonymously given. 大约就在这个时候,简收到了一份厚礼,这是一架钢琴,送礼者不知何人。
About this time hypnotism was enjoying a fad throughout the country, and a friend suggested that he try it as a means of helping his condition. 就在此时,催眠术风行全国,一个朋友建议他试试催眠术对他的病情是否有帮助。
About this time, Chao's wife died and he went home to bury her. 大约就在这一期间,赵树理的妻子死了,赵树理便回家料理丧事。
About this time, on the Sivaratri night, consecrated to the worship of Siva, a dramatic performance was arranged. 在湿婆之夜,崇拜湿婆被视为神圣,一场戏剧大约在这个时候被安排上演了。
About this time, one of his former classmates sent him a letter from Yenan, the Communist capital, begging him to come up there to school. 这时候,一个老同学从共产党的首都延安给他写了一封信,叫他去那里学习。
About this title: This charming memoir chronicles Montgomery's touching friendship with a generous soul, who just so happens to be a pig, and the valuable lessons she learns about family, community, and the pleasures of the sweet, green Earth. 本书讲述了蒙哥马利的一段友谊,但对象却是一只猪,它有着宽容的心灵,她从中学到了家庭,集体的重要,让她对这世界充满了感激。
About three fifths of the population here are farmers. 这儿大约有五分之三的人口是农民。

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