Her facile reply to the problem with the computer was to turn it off.
对于电脑发生的问题,她的简单回应就是关机。 |
Her facility with / in languages is surprising.
她在语言方面的才能令人吃惊。 |
Her faded blue eyes, benignant and kindly,surveyed her nephew and her nephew's guests with gentle pleasure.They rested first on Raymond himself, self-consciously debonair, then on Joyce Lemprière, the artist, with her close-cropped black head and queer ha
她那褪色的蓝眼睛,和蔼亲切又温柔愉悦地打量着外甥和外甥的客人们:目光首先望向雷蒙德,他自觉地表现得殷勤又温雅;接着是乔伊斯.雷普瑞小姐,一位画家,有着黑色的短发和一双浅褐绿色的眼睛;而后目光停留在亨利.勒普诶爵士身上,他是位衣冠楚楚的男士。 |
Her fame has reached the most far-flung corners of the globe.
她已名扬四海. |
Her family are all music lovers.
她全家人都是音乐爱好者。 |
Her family believe she has been spirited out of Portugal - possibly to North Africa.
她的家人相信她已经被拐到葡萄牙之外的地方了,有可能到了北美. |
Her family belongs to the village commune.
今年清明,她回去过一趟。 |
Her family doctor broke the news to her that her son was squint-eyed.
家庭医生向她透露一个坏消息:她儿子患了斜视。 |
Her family go to the seaside for a holiday year after year.
她的一家人每年都去海滨度假。 |
Her family made their money building the biggest calico printing company in the world, but quickly left their roots behind.
她的父母建立了世界最大的白洋布印刷公司,以此获利,但很快他们就离开家乡来到伦敦,成了那里的第一代移民。 |
Her family moved to Canada at the height of emigration.
在移民高峰时期她家搬到加拿大去了。 |