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I understand your father was also a lion tamer,the reporter queried.

I truly believe that in my lifetime the koala will become extinct unless we do something,Deborah Tabarat, executive director of the foundation, told reporters. 基金会执行理事黛博拉·塔巴拉特告诉记者说:“我确信,如果我们再不采取措施的话,在我的有生之年,树袋熊将会灭绝。”
I try to throw a lot of off-speed,Wang said. I never in a game threw that (many) sliders and changeups. 我试著投许多有速差的球”小王说”我从来没有试过在一场比赛里投出那麽多滑球和变速球。”
I turned France down already. 我已拒绝了法国。
I turned down the job at the hamburger restaurant. They only pay chicken feed -- not even enough money to pay my rent. 这个人很明显是在找工作,他说:“我没有接受那个汉堡包店的工作。他们付的工资实在太少,还不够我付房租呢。”
I understand that I'm inspirational to these kids and I don't want to let them down,McGrady said. I want them to succeed. “我知道,对孩子们来说,我是激情的化身。我不想让他们失望,”麦迪说。“我希望他们都成功。”
I understand your father was also a lion tamer,the reporter queried. 我知道你的父亲也是个驯狮手,记者说。
I understand your question rightly that there are people in West Germany who wish that we mobilize the building worker of the capital of the German Democratic Republic to build up a wall. 柏林墙竣工前两个月,东德领导人在国际新闻发布会上说:我理解你们的问题,在西德的人希望我们动员德意志民主主义共和国的建筑工人去建造这墙。
I understand, but they'd be much better off, and so would you. Just see to it they come down to the village tomorrow afternoon. “我明白,但这样对她们更好,对你也好。那就让她们明天下午到村里来吧。”
I used a want a boy for a kid,said Ennis, undoing buttons, but just got little girls. “我曾经想要个小子,”埃尼斯边说边解开纽扣,“没想到上天注定是岳父命。”
I used her. What of the way she used me? We were two of a kind, just clad in different color clothes. “我利用她,她也在利用我啊!我们都是一样的货色,只不过穿着不同的袍子。”
I used to sniff when I was 12, I used to smoke, drink, but I stopped them. 学生纳蒂?维克:「我12岁的时候会吸毒,我抽菸和喝酒,但已经戒了。」

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