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The huge is boundless, can hand over with you mutually is a kind of predestination.Wish our acquaintanceship ability everlasting, be like the water similar and clean and pure, pure.

The huge blocks of stone for the pyramids were probably raised into place by means of ramps of earth that surrounded the structures as they rose; it was a practical application of the inclined plane, even though the concept was not under stood in terms th 金字塔巨大的石头举升定位是利用了举升时围在建筑旁边的土坡,它是斜面的实际应用,虽然这个概念在当时并不能在术语上被定量的解释。
The huge dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex has even been in popular American movies like Jurassic Park. 巨型恐龙霸王龙甚至出现在类似《侏罗纪公园》这样深受人们欢迎的美国影片中。
The huge egg farms sells 100,000 dozen eggs a day to distributors. 规模庞大的蛋场,每天出售100,000打鸡蛋给分销商。
The huge flying transports we mentioned in our preview can carry over a dozen small infantry robots or a pair of heavy tanks each -- you'll have to build a whole wing of them to quickly move an entire squadron of tanks, but the ability to transmit that mu 在我们的预览中题到的巨大的运输船可以携带一打子的小型步兵机器人或者每个携带一对重型坦克--你必须建造很多很多来快速的运送全部坦克编队,为了能把大量的武装全部送过地图,很值得。
The huge interest they generated almost a century later is a sign of Kipling's enduring appeal. 这些信件在将近一个世纪后还能如此引人注目,可见吉卜林的长远的影响力。
The huge is boundless, can hand over with you mutually is a kind of predestination.Wish our acquaintanceship ability everlasting, be like the water similar and clean and pure, pure. 人海茫茫,能和您相交是一种缘分.愿我们的相识能天长地久,像水一样纯洁,清澈.
The huge jump in trading volume helped push the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index up 1.6 per cent to close at 4,013.09, less than two months after it passed the 3,000 mark. 成交量的巨大增长推动基准上证综指上涨1.6%,收报于4013.09点,距离它突破3000点还不到两个月。
The huge machine was moved to its new position on rollers . 那台巨型机器用滚柱移到了新的地方.
The huge machine was moved to its new position on rollers. 那台巨型机器用滚柱移到了新的地方.
The huge number of choices—at least 10120 vacua—seemed to demand vast computational power, perhaps even a quantum computer. 但面对数量如此庞大(至少有10120个真空)的选项,似乎也得有惊人的计算能力才足以负荷,或许还得靠量子电脑。
The huge payout comes a week after Mr Green declined to pay himself a dividend following full-year results from BHS, the retail group he also owns. 支付这笔巨额股息之前的一周,格林先生旗下另一家零售集团BHS公布了全年业绩,当时他决定不给自己分红。

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