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Assisting the CN helpdesk to manage and finish the warranty claims and obtain the shipping performance by preset parameters.

Assistant: Do you like this dress, madam? 营业员:夫人,您喜欢这件连衣裙吗?
Assistant: In that case I think she needs a ticket at half price. 票务员:那样的话我想她可以买一张半价票。
Assistant: Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks. 营业员:当然可以。你可以先付十英磅定金,然后每星期付一英磅,付60个星期。
Assisted the chair in the administration of the department's operation, financial and personnel activities. 协助系主任关于学系上、财务上,及人事上的行政运作。
Assisting in the development of Scouting in newly emerging countries. 帮助新兴国家或地区推展童军运动。
Assisting the CN helpdesk to manage and finish the warranty claims and obtain the shipping performance by preset parameters. 协助维多利绍德客户支援平台完成设备在保修期内的零备件更换,维修。并且完成预先设定的出货目标。
Assists Logistics Department in customer service related matter. 协助物流部在客户服务方面的工作。
Assists Personnel manager to monitor employee relations and motivation program in the hotel. 协助人事经理做好增进员工关系、调动员工积极性的工作。
Assists his/her supervisor as needed. 必要时需协助部门领导工作。
Assists in establishing standard policies and procedures for recruitment. 协助制订招聘的标准制度与程序。
Assists in evaluating manpower needs and assign available resources. 协助估计人力需求,分配现有资源.

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