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Outside elevation structure in the form of mauve tower, beautiful and striking, hall choose high very much magnificent design.

Outside a hotel: Help! We need inn-experienced people. 酒店门外:帮帮忙!我们缺少常住小酒馆的人。
Outside a muffler shop: No appointment necessary, we hear you coming. 一家消声器店外:根本不用预约,我们听到你来了!
Outside a secondhand shop: We exchange anything - bicycles, washing machines etc. Why not bring your wife along and get a wonderful bargain? 二手货店外:我们什么都交换——自行车,洗衣机等。为什么不把您的太太带来而得到一个便宜货呢?
Outside bleak and empty; inside, bleak and empty. 院外是一片凄凉和空虚,院里也是一片凄凉和空虚。
Outside designers often create eye-catching sites that have little substance. 外面的设计者创建醒目的网站是需要小小回报的。
Outside elevation structure in the form of mauve tower, beautiful and striking, hall choose high very much magnificent design. 外立面呈紫红色塔式结构,亮丽醒目,大堂挑高设计十分气派。
Outside everything is still.Shadows fall among the trees,shaped like pieces of a puzzle. 屋外一切如旧。树影朦胧,如同一个迷。
Outside groups or national party committees often pay for these ads. 外部集团或国家政党委员会通常为这些广告买单。
Outside her brothers and sisters she has no real friends. 她除了兄弟姐妹以外没有真正的朋友.
Outside his work on the Grove Dictionaries, Sadie was a renowned Mozart scholar, publishing several books. 除了编写葛罗弗音乐辞典,沙迪也是有名的莫扎特专家学者,并且发行了几本有关的书籍。
Outside my study window is a skip. 我的书房窗外有个翻斗车。

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