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Bumping into you like that is a bit of luck.

Bumblebee:A scout; Underdog type character; Smallest of the team. 大黄蜂:侦察兵;受欺负型角色;在团队里体型最小。
Bump!!! 蹦蹦跳跳!!!
Bump. Give accents to pimples, pore, wrinkles, moles. 凹凸贴图:表现细微特征,如青春痘,毛孔,皱纹,胎记等。
Bumped along slowly over the rocky terrain. 在多石地带缓慢地颠簸前进
Bumper-to-bumper traffic delayed Lilliam and Gerardo Miranda's trip to Jackson Memorial Hospital on Wednesday morning. 周三早上,拥堵的交通耽误了莉莉娅姆和吉拉尔多·米兰达前往杰克逊纪念医院的就诊时间。
Bumping into you like that is a bit of luck. 这样意外碰见你真是幸运。
Buncefield is the country's fifth-largest oil distribution depot, with a reported storage capacity of about 150,000 tonnes. 邦斯菲尔德是英国第5大油库,报告储存容量约15万吨。
Bunched up text in long paragraphs will frustrate anyone who has to review hundreds of resumes and cover letters a week. 段落要简短,长篇的内容让浏览者失去看的耐心,因为他们一周要看上百份简历。
Bunches of mistletoe are often hung above doorways – any couple passing underneath must exchange kisses! 门口挂上槲寄生树枝—每一对从下经过的爱人都要接吻!
Bunches of small investors, ranging from students to pensioners, crowd around computer terminals to carry out their trades, keeping an eye on the prices as they flicker across big electronic screens. 成群的包括学生和领养老金的人在内的小投资者一边要挤在电脑终端四周来完成自己的交易,一边还要紧盯着电子大屏幕上一闪而过的股票价格。
Bundle sheath The ring of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous tissue, usually one cell thick, that surrounds the vascular bundle in an angiosperm leaf. 维管束鞘:在被子植物叶中,围绕维管束的通常是一层薄壁或厚壁细胞。

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