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Nowadays girls try to pick up guys more than vice versa.

Nowadays any computer installed with a wireless Lan adapter is capable of accessing the Internet on condition that it is within the coverage area of the company's wireless equipment, which may result in a slowdown of the company's network speed, and even 目前任何人员只要在公司的无线设备覆盖范围内,都可以通过计算机自带的无线网卡连接上网,并有此可能直接影响公司的网络速度,更甚至于通过无线网络窃取公司的内部资料或者做一些破坏动作.
Nowadays as the teaching of college computer basics exists some common problems, the author puts forward that the support in theory to the reformation of the teaching of college computer basics is the enhance of information literacy of undergraduate, and 摘要本文通过我国高校计算机基础教育的现状和面临形势的分析,探讨了高校计算机基础教育教学改革的理念支撑是提高大学生的信息素养,最后提出了应该着力落实的改革对策和建设的具体参考方案。
Nowadays children are becoming more and more lazy, fat and unsociable, give reason and solution. 现在孩子变的越来越懒惰,肥胖和不爱交际,给出原因和解决方法!
Nowadays children prefer TV to reading. 现今儿童喜欢看电视而不喜欢读书。
Nowadays girls seldom confide in their mothers. 现在的女孩很少对母亲吐露心事。
Nowadays girls try to pick up guys more than vice versa. 这年头啊是女孩想把男孩,而不是男孩追女孩。
Nowadays great attention has been focused on the issue of the exchange rate of RMB. 摘要人民币问题近几年成为国际上的焦点问题。
Nowadays he observes with Hubble and ground-based instruments. 现今,他是用哈伯太空望远镜及地面的仪器来进行观测。
Nowadays impolite drivers constitute the majority of motorists. 现在没礼貌司机占多数。
Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person's wages. 现在,所得税通常是在发工资前就已经扣除了。
Nowadays insider control of stocked corporations has endangered normal function strictly. 摘要当前上市公司内部人控制问题已经严重危及到公司的正常运营。

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