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This equipment is mainly used for pure milk braising, which can degrease the milk and raise the dry content for the milk.

This equipment is against the rule. Consult with a referee / technical delegate. 这个装备不符合规则,请与裁判官/技术代表协商。
This equipment is applied crushing bran shell,coconut shell,which has the supermicrocrushing effects. 该设备适用于大糠壳,椰子壳,谷壳类的粉碎。具有超微粉碎效果。
This equipment is designed for characteristic of the impurity in the recycled paper pulp in order to promote the flowing type structure, can apply various kinds of abolish screen , precise sift and screening , thick liquid of material before the paper mac 该设备针对再生纸浆中杂质的特性设计为升流式结构,可广泛应用于各种废纸浆的粗筛、精筛及纸机前浆料的筛选,具有无可比拟的良好工作性能和可靠性,是各种国产压力筛用于再生浆处理的更新换代产品。
This equipment is for general assembly of clutch pressure plate assembly and calibration of diaphragm finger; The whole machine is driven by compressed air and air cylinder is controlled by electromagnetic valve by finishing multiple functions; This equip 本设备用于汽车离合器压盘总成的总装和膜片分离指的校正;设备动力用压缩空气,执行元件用电磁阀控制气缸以完成多项功能;本设备分轻型及重型两种基本型号,也可按照用户要求,将轻型与重型做成双工位设备。
This equipment is mainly composed of braising apparatus、 condenser、 balanced water tank、 material pump、 circulating pump of cooling water、 double water-ring vaccum pump、 connecting pipeline and electrical control box. 本设备主要由闪蒸器、冷凝器、平衡水箱、出料泵、冷却水循环泵、双级水环式真空泵、联接管道及电器控制柜等组成。
This equipment is mainly used for pure milk braising, which can degrease the milk and raise the dry content for the milk. 本设备主要用于纯牛奶闪蒸,可使牛奶脱脂,并提高于物质含量。
This equipment is non-standard and the company has not conducted CE certification. 本设备为非标设备,本公司未作CE论证。
This equipment is shipped from the Japan (United States of America, England, France, Italy, Federal Republic of Germany, Singapore). 这台设备是从日本(美国、英国、法国、意大利、联邦德国、新加坡)发运过来的。
This equipment is suitable for the domestic and intemational flotation deinking of different wasted paper.While deinking,some light qualities glue things and light quality plastics,etc,can be got rid of rmarkably. 该设备适用于国内外各种废纸的浮选脱墨,并在去除油墨的同时,一些轻质粘结物和轻质塑料等可以显著地被去除。
This equipment is supplied by the Seller (Buyer). 这台设备是卖方(买方)供应的。
This equipment is the key of producing arc glass and laminated glass of shower bath room. It lets the flat glass changing its arc shape by drying, bending and annealing. 本设备是生产汽车弧形、沐浴房夹层玻璃制品的关键设备。通过对平板玻璃的烘弯、退火,使之弯曲成玻璃制品所需要的各种弧度和形状。

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