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Brainstorm, candid communication ,have the responsibility of collaborating fully.

Brainstorm all the ways your visitor would think of your product. 绞尽脑汁地想出访问者对你的产品所可能有的一切想法。
Brainstorm and list possible failure conditions and alternate success conditions. 用脑力激盪法穷举可能的失败条件与替代路径成功条件。
Brainstorm and list the primary actors' goals against the system(actor-goal list). 用脑力激盪法穷举系统中主要参与者的使用者目标(参与者—目标清单)。
Brainstorm and list the primary actors(actor profile table). 用脑力激盪法列出主要参与者(参与者简述表)。
Brainstorm on the way of using land intensively and thriftily to promote the harmonious development of the society. 2006中国地交会”将以科学发展观统领城镇土地利用战略规划。
Brainstorm, candid communication ,have the responsibility of collaborating fully. 集思广益、坦诚交流……负有通力合作的责任。
Brainy graduates are training to be plumbers - to earn up to £150,000 a year. 眼下,有头脑的毕业生都争着参加一项年薪高达15万英镑的职业培训--水管工人。
Braking Test when laden: The braking track shall not be longer than 2.5 meters after a cute braking when the ruck is traveling in full speed with 1.5 M/T test load on the forks. 荷重时刹车检定:牙叉荷重1.5吨砝码时,以全速(最高速)行驶,在紧急刹车时,其刹车痕迹不得超过2.5公尺。
Braking Test when laden: The braking track shall not be longer than 2.5 meters after a cute braking when the truck is traveling in full speed with 1.5 M/T test load on the forks. 荷重时刹车检定:牙叉荷重1.5吨砝码时,以全速(最高速)行驶,在紧急刹车时,其刹车痕迹不得超过2.5公尺。
Braking is not as effective when travelling in another car's slipstream. 处在前车的尾流中时,刹车不再那么有效。
Brambati, who has close ties to Juve and worked for the club as a scout, admitted last night: I am sure that Juventus are about to be put up for sale. 布拉姆巴迪和尤文关系亲密,他曾经是俱乐部的一位球探,昨晚他承认:“我确信尤文图斯将会挂牌。”

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