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Various type of precision extension spring with side hook are produced by CNC coiling machine with spring length detectors and selectors to perfectly ensure satisfactions.

Various studies have suggested that polyphenols - chemicals available in many foods - might disrupt these processes and provide some protection against Alzheimer's disease by neutralising the effect of damaging compounds called free radicals. 不同的研究显示,多元酚类这种化学成分存在很多食品中,可以阻断这个过程,并以化解自由基这种有害化合物的效果防範失智症。
Various successive partial plastic forming methods for processing groove, including thread rolling, cross rolling and skew rolling, splitting, rolling of spline shaft, split rolling, open-die extrusion of spline shaft/gear, extrusion of internal screwed t 摘要介绍了用于加工槽的各种连续局部塑性成形方法,包括螺纹轧制、横轧与斜轧、分劈、花键轴滚轧、劈分轧制、花键轴/齿轮开模挤压、花键套挤压、槽型换向器整体冷锻、外翅片管挤压一犁削、内/外螺纹管拉拔等。
Various technical improvements have made it possible to push the limits of photolithography. 各种技术若能改进,便可推进光蚀刻法的极限。
Various texts on learning and memory. 各种有关学习和记忆的文本。
Various theories of pathophysiology about serous detachment on optic disc pits had been speculated. 摘要视神经盘小孔与浆液性网膜剥离间之密切关系已是广为人知。
Various type of precision extension spring with side hook are produced by CNC coiling machine with spring length detectors and selectors to perfectly ensure satisfactions. 现时流得使用的各种形式钩环的拉力弹簧,均由CNC拉簧成型机一次完成,并可由检测选装置进行分选。
Various types of farm trucks, farm transporting vehicles, tractors, generator units, internal combustion engines and repairing &spare parts, etc. 各类农用车、农运车、拖拉机、发电机组、内燃机及其相关配件等。
Various types of micronutrient malnutrition are important causes of disability in themselves and often underlie other type f morbidity. 据估计,在发展中国家的每年1220万5岁以下死亡儿童中,有660万人与营养不良有关。
Various types of programmable controllers can meet the needs of different users. 多种可编程控制器类型可满足不同用户的需求。
Various types of spells and items make things vanish, but in different ways. 能使物体消失的咒语和工具种类繁多,但是方法各不相同。
Various viscosity products are available according to customer ' s requirements. 可根据客户要求提供各种粘度规格产品。

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