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Just having connected with this deity by chanting his name and participating in initiation, reading the sutra as well as sponsoring the event will have great impact in one's life.

Just haggle over the price, they maybe give a discount. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
Just half of all infants and toddlers in our country are routinely read to by their parents. 在我们国家只有半数婴幼儿的父母能经常念书给这些孩子听。
Just hark at him! 听他说!
Just have a taste of this cheese ! 尝一点儿这种乳酪吧!
Just have a taste of this cheese! 尝一点儿这种乳酪吧!
Just having connected with this deity by chanting his name and participating in initiation, reading the sutra as well as sponsoring the event will have great impact in one's life. 无论颂其名号,或参与灌顶,或读其经或赞助法会,都会与本尊结缘而对我们一生产生极大的影响。
Just having equal rights to vote and equal pay for equal work have not solved the problem, not by a long shot. 只不过是享有同等的选举权和同工同酬并没有解决问题,绝对没有。
Just head 600 miles east of South Carolina to Bermuda, where residents exist quite happily without fast-food chains, save one KFC. 在那里,居民快乐地生活,没有快餐连锁店,仅保留了一家肯德鸡店。
Just heap them up and shoot them. 把油桶堆起来开一枪试试。
Just help yourself to whatever you'd like. 喜欢吃什么就吃什么。
Just his way of walking “investing in loss” made him impenetrable and safe. 正如他一直谨守的「投资吃亏」,使他不致被知悉而能安全。

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